Marshmallow x Bow | Mansion

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I suppose you could say this was inspired by the song 'Mansion' by NF

I've always loved his music and I was constantly thinking about the song when I was writing this chapter!

Requested by Eclipse_Xero11 !!

Personally, I think this ship is adorable however, I still prefer Marshapple or the whole poly relationship thing!

Still, an underrated ship so I'll give it a 9/10!

Hope you enjoy!


This oneshot has some angst and stuff?? Thought I would just warn y'all just in case!

Enjoy!! <3

3rd POV

It had been over a year since Marshmallow and Apple moved to the mansion together in an attempt to rejuvenate their friendship. The mission was successful and they both lived happily with Bow and Dough. Something still felt off to Marshmallow however.

Every time she was around Bow she would feel amazingly happy but the feeling would soon be replaced with sadness.

The feeling was hard to fully describe. Her heart felt full one moment, then empty the next. Her chest tried to swallow her whole every time that ghost floated by. Sometimes she would just curl up and cry because what else was she supposed to do?

"Marshie! Marshie!"

The girl in question looked over to see Apple sprinting in her direction. She wiped her eyes.

"Hey Apple! What's up?" She asked squeakily.

The fruit sat beside her and handed her a loose piece of paper.

"I drew you something because you've been looking really sad!"

Marshmallow smiled at the comment before looking down at the drawing. It was crudely drawn but still got the message across.

Apple, Marshmallow, Dough and Bow all sat in a field covered in flowers of all colours. Apple seemed to be drawing something while butterflies floated around her. Meanwhile, Bow and Marshmallow were sitting side by side, both blushing with a heart in between them. Dough was the sun.


"You always look really sad around Bow. You know that right?"

Marshmallow opened her mouth as if she were about to speak but refrained, electing to look away instead.

"I watched a bunch of sad love movies and the sad people always reminded me of you. They loved someone but thought the other person didn't like them so they got super sad. You seem like that right now Marshie-Moo."

Marshmallow still remained silent, an attempt to hold in tears.

"But my favourite part," Apple made a blooming motion with her arms, "was when the other person would say 'I love you' to them and they would get so happy! I wanna see you really happy too!"

Marshmallow looked at her, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Do you really think it's that easy?"


"It was never gonna be that easy, Apple. Things in the movies don't happen in real life. They're fake."

"I know that but-"

"There's the whole problem with us both being girls. She's dead too kinda..? I don't know if she'll be against the whole idea of it, let alone even like me back! It's all too complicated Apple!" Tears tumbled down her 'cheeks'.

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