Grassy x Rocky - my kindergarten boyfriend and i

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i'm back in my Heathers phase and now you all get to suffer for it
honestly, i adore Martha and her character
she's super underrated and i love her so much
hope you like it!


This oneshot contains:

Angst (a given)

Unrequited love :[

Censored swearing (only a little though)

Disordered eating

Suicidal Thoughts/Suicide Attempt


Honestly, any sort of warning that would come with Heathers

3rd POV

Kindergarten was Rocky's favourite place.

"Hey Rocky, catch!"

Obviously, the grey-haired boy had certain reasons – some he would happily bring up if given the chance.

Rocky struggled to follow the order he was given, but was happy to see that he could complete it for his friend.

"Mhm!" he hummed with joy.

Grassy grinned proudly.

"Wow! Grassy's so proud of Rocky!"

To solidify his point, Grassy ran over and tightly embraced Rocky.

"Mmm!" the shorter of the two hummed in response.

There was a boy I met in kindergarten

"Blue and yellow... What does blue and yellow make?"

Rocky gestured to the part of the colour poster that read 'Green'.

'Woah, Rocky is so smart! Rocky is pretty too!"

Rocky smiled brightly, and Grassy gave him a hug.

He was sweet, he said that I was smart

"Yay! Good job Grassy!"

Firey Jr. ran over to the green haired boy, giving him an eager high-five.

"Grassy thanks Firey Jr. for being nice!"

They both high-fived again, giggling as they walked off. Rocky watched with a smile, of course Grassy would win another game.

He was good at sports and people liked him

"Pick your naptime partners!"

"Rocky, Rocky! Grassy wants to share a mat with you."


The two made their way to a mat, happily laying down and snuggling together.

And at nap time once we shared a mat

Rocky didn't feel sleep swallow him like he'd hoped, so he resorted to plan B.

I didn't sleep, I sat and watched him breathing

It was creepy, Rocky was aware, but it calmed the young boy. Knowing that Grassy was beside him and breathing was... reassuring, he supposed.

It was nice to know Grassy wasn't dead, which isn't what one would expect a kindergartener to think about. Rocky found it was a reason to keep going.

Watched him dream for nearly half an hour

Ooh ooh ooh...

It was an unusual quiet in the kindergarten, one that the teachers were sure to savour. Rocky laid quietly, allowing his breathing to match with Grassy's.

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