Bracelety x Ice Cube - can you drink all my thoughts?/'cause i can't stand them

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happy 100th chapter, we made it!!!
anyway, fluff time fellas
this is gonna be like the textbook example of fluff
you're all gonna be so proud

although it might be a little OOC

3rd POV


It was a relatively unknown concept to Ice Cube, especially considering her close relation to the cold. Her breath dissipated before her eyes as she stepped into the snow. It wasn't warm out here – it didn't take a genius to realise that.

Ice Cube took another step, the snow crunching beneath her boots like dead leaves in autumn. Those steps became more frequent as she adapted to the feeling of stepping through the slush. After about 15 minutes of walking, she neared a familiar house.

Its faded blue frame stood tall against what felt like an endless barrage of snow. Ice Cube approached its intimidating form and rang the doorbell, shivering slightly as a gust of cold air hit her. The door swung open, revealing a much less intimidating brunette adorning an oversized sweater.

"Icy!" Bracelety shouted. "Come inside!"

Ice Cube winced slightly at the volume, but happily entered the well-insulated home.

"Hi Bracelety, how are you?"

The brunette shut the door behind her friend.

"I have been good! How about you?"

"Cold", Ice Cube admitted feebly. "So cold."

Bracelety frowned, approaching her blonde friend.

"Looks like you don't do well in the cold then", she noted. "That's okay, I can warm you up a bit with a hug!"

Before Ice Cube could protest, she was caught in a tight embrace. It's not like she would've planned to protest – especially considering how willingly she melted into the interaction. Bracelety chuckled, brushing out the shimmering snowflakes in Ice Cube's golden hair.

"If you sit on the couch, I can make you some hot chocolate or tea."

Ice Cube nodded in Bracelety's arms.

"Hot chocolate, please", she muttered quietly.

The brunette nodded, raising an eyebrow when she realised Icy wasn't planning to let go. With a shrug, Bracelety lifted up the blonde, causing the latter to panic and wrap her legs tightly around the brunette's waist.


"To the couch!"

Ice Cube hugged her tightly, afraid of falling. Bracelety laughed at this, happily carrying her to the couch. The blonde – realising she had a landing platform – hesitantly let go of her friend and fell onto the sofa.

"Comfy?" Bracelety queried.

"Mhm, thanks Bracelety."

The brunette grinned brightly, fondly ruffling Icy's hair.

"Alrighty then. One hot chocolate on the way!"


Bracelety found she could brave it fairly well; a visible contrast to her friend Ice Cube. Ice Cube was always cold, and Bracelety never minded. Warmth was always there, and Bracelety was surely bored of it. The cold was a welcoming contrast – hence why she loved the winter...

And Ice Cube, but she never planned to admit that.

So a hot chocolate was finished and given to a certain short-haired, blonde girl who was trembling on Bracelety's couch.

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