Knickle | Even Jerks Have Hearts

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I love this ship so much
It's on my otp list and it's bootiful.
Let's gooooooooo
Hope you enjoy :)
Humanised AU
High school au

This story includes:
• fighting
• a bit of gore

Knife's POV

I smiled as the morning breeze greeted me on my way to school. Sure, I didn't smile often but the little things in life always made my day. Whether it was the warm sun, the soft grass, Pickle- Wait where did that come from? Oh well, no denying that I had the biggest crush in the world on him.

So I always made sure to look tough for him at school. I never wanted to look weak near him. That was a me thing. I approached my locker and placed away my things before going outside and sitting under the shade of a small tree. Oh, the days at Inanimate High were always fun. After all Pickle was in majority of my classes.

"What's up Knife?" I smiled to myself when I recognised the voice. "The ground." I heard him snicker as he sat next to me. "How're you doing Pickle?" He smiled shyly. "I'm fine... Better since I get hang out with you!" I felt my face slightly heat up. "That's... sweet I guess..." He laughed and shuffled closer to me.

"Anything you wanna talk about?" He looked at me curiously before sighing. "Actually... yeah..." I gave him a look as if asking him to continue. "I'm still bothered over the entire incident withTaco..." Taco and Pickle were best friends for years but during an awards ceremony OJ got an award that she really wanted so she attempted to steal it.

She ended up getting expelled, taste of her own medicine in my opinion. I put my arm on his shoulder. "Hey, it was Taco's fault, not yours. It was her fault for using you to try and get the award though. She doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you..." I heard a light sniffle and turned around to see Pickle wiping his eyes with a smile.

"Thank you Knife... That meant a lot to me..." I smiled happily and opened my arms. He sniffled once more before hugging me tightly. I cradled him gently. Pickle meant the world to me so seeing him cry over a fake friend breaks my heart. Taco is a heartless monster. I sighed. My demeanour always slips when I'm around Pickle.

"You feeling better?" I felt him nod into my shoulder. "Yeah... But can we stay like this? I really like it..." I felt my face slightly heat up. "If you wanna..." This was perfect. Nothing could make this moment imperfect. It was everything to me. Nothing could ruin this-

"Hey Losers!"

Okay, maybe one thing.

"Ewww! Are you guys hugging? That's gross! That's soft Knife!" I growled. "The roof. Recess." Trophy gave me a devilish smile. "Sure. I'll just beat you to a pulp!" He walked off. Ugh, way to ruin my moment. I looked over to see Pickle looking away. "What's wrong dude?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder. "I feel like that was my fault." I sighed. "Nah, it's Trophy's fault. Don't worry about it 'kay?"

He smiled and hugged me before making his way to class. I felt my face flare up. That was a fun experience... I sighed and gathered myself. Picking myself up and putting on a fake scowl, I made my way to class.

I was not looking forward to recess today.


"Hah! Weakling!" I fell on the floor with a simple push. Trophy and I had bruises all over each other. Pickle wasn't here luckily so he wouldn't get hurt. I stood back up and tried to hook him. I missed however, leaving myself open. He tackled me and pinned me down. I quickly kneed him in the stomach.

"Knife are you up here?- Knife!" I was shocked when I saw Pickle arrive. I can't let him get hurt. I forgot to focus because before I knew it, Trophy had pushed me over again. I growled and pounced on him. "Stop!" Pickle shouted, separating the two of us. He faced toward me with a look of sadness.

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