Woodrop | Sick

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My favourite ship UwU
I'm gonna stop tagging cuz It takes a while and I'm lazy -_-
Fluffy cuz I feel like it!
Let go!
High School AU

Woody's POV

I sat in my chair awaiting the teacher to begin roll call. Many people were in their friend groups while I sat waiting for Teardrop. She's my only friend after all. "Alright class. I'm going to take roll call now." She said people's names and they responded happily. "Teardrop? Oh wait she's sick." She mumbled that to herself but being in one of the front seats, I was able to hear.

I sadly sunk onto my desk as the bell rang to signify the beginning of class. Today was going to be a long day...

I sighed and packed my things before hopping on the bus and heading to Teardrop's place. Once the bus stopped I gently knocked on her front door. She answered groggily with at least five blankets on her. She tiredly blinked a few times before dragging me inside. She then proceeded to yeet herself onto the couch in which she seemed to have made a bed from.

'Are you okay?' I signed to her. She just soundlessly groaned and stuffed her face in a pillow. I decided to make her something warm as her tea table was covered in empty chocolate wrappers. I tapped her shoulder and signed if I could borrow some ingredients. She agreed but fell asleep.

I skipped over to the kitchen and began making some soup. I knew she really enjoyed Chicken soup so I strived to make it. It ended up tasting really good. (I took a small taste test) I wandered down to where Teardrop was sleeping and gently shook her awake. She groggily slapped my face. She began to slip off the couch so I helped her sit up and cleaned up the table.

I blew gently on the soup before serving her a spoon. She slurped it up like there was no tomorrow. She smiled brightly and bounced around on the spot. I soundlessly giggled and slipped another spoonful into her mouth. She seemed to like the soup very much! She kept signing things like, 'this is so good' and, 'I feel so much better.'

I gave her a soft smile as we reached the bottom of the bowl. She seemed to notice as well but instead of asking for more, she took the bowl into her own hands and scooped up the warm soup. She put the spoon up to my mouth and smiled to show me that it was okay to eat it. I hesitantly took a small sip from the spoon but she encouraged me to eat more.

She spoon fed me as I had done to her earlier and we both just smiled at each other most of the time. Once I put the bowl away and cleaned up a little, Teardrop offered me a place on the couch next to her. She turned on a movie and tossed the blankets over us. I blushed when she snuggled up to me and tightly hugged my arm. I thought my blood flow was going to get cut off.

Before long the movie ended and I took Teardrop to her bedroom. She was already in some pyjamas so I laid her down and placed the covers over her. I was about to get up and leave but she grasped onto my arm tightly. "Don't... Go..." I felt my face turn a million shades of red at her beautiful voice. I smiled and slipped under the blanket with her.

Let's just say,
My favourite school day that year

Yee yee
All done!
Finallyyyyyyyy :/
I loved this and I hope you did too!
However I won't be posting as often due to school starting up again where I live
So yeah...
Um I don't have much else to say
Stay safe!
See you later guys, gals and non-binary pals!
Peace out!

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