Marshapple | Falling in Love

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Based off the song 'Can't help Falling in Love'
I love Marshapple soooooooooo much! Just the ending of episode 11 made me go hhhhhhhhhhhhh
Marshmallow's POV

The snow crunched as I walked down the deserted sidewalk.

Wise men say,

I looked through my small backpack and pulled out a photo frame.

Only fools rush in.

I smiled at the memory of Apple and I making flower crowns together, which was intelligently squeezed into a small piece of paper.

But I can't help,

I felt my pale cheeks tint a light pink at the thought of Apple looking so happy.

Falling in love with you.

The sun was covered by the low hanging clouds as I approached the apartment block.

Shall I stay,

The elevator let out little dings as it passed each floor.

Would it be a sin?

The keys rattled as I pulled them out my bag and twisted them in the lock.

If I can't help,

"Hey Marshie!"

Falling in love with you.

"Hey Apple! I got your parcel."

Like a river flows,

She happily grabbed the parcel from my hands and ran to her room.

Surely to the sea.

I shrugged it off and turned the TV on only to see a romantic movie playing.

Darling so it goes,

Was Apple watching a romance movie?

Some things,

Maybe it was so she could learn more about love because she was interested in the topic, or maybe she had a crush!

Are meant to be.

I secretly hoped it was me since I was head over heels for her but I was 99% sure I wasn't her crush.

Take my hand,

"Hey Marshie! Can you help with this package?"

Take my whole life too.

I arrived in the room to realise Apple wasn't there.

For I can't help,

I walked towards her bed to see the empty box with a note inside.

Falling in love with you.

'Dear Marshmallow,
I have something I really need to tell you.'

Oh Like a river flows,

'Thank you for all your help with my learning.'

Surely to the sea.

'Thank you letting me stay with you'

Darling so it goes,

'Thank you for being my best friend.'

Some things,

'You really wouldn't understand how much you mean to me.'

Are meant to be.

'Turn around and you'll see!'

"Take my hand," I smiled when Apple began singing, "Take my whole life too." I put my hands in hers as we sung together. "For I can't help, falling in love with you..."

We smiled and let our foreheads touch. "Oh, for I can't help, falling in love... with... you~." I hugged her tightly. "I didn't know you'd like me back Marshie!" I laughed at the comment and kissed her lightly on the nose.

"Some things are meant to be Apple..."

Weeeeeeeeeeep I felt like writing this so I did yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hope you enjoyed love you platonically byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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