Needle x Teardrop - Inspiration

658 15 41


Requested by ahcia_lawan

I used they/them pronouns for Teardrop because at some points in later episodes, other contestants referred to them with they/them pronouns

I hope this won't bother anyone!

tbh I never really thought too hard about this ship but I still think it's pretty okay!



This oneshot contains:



Assault/ Mentions of Assault (NOT sexual assault)


Proceed with caution

(Notebook writing will be in a bold italics font like this!)

3rd POV

The coffee was heated to a perfect temperature, the pastries freshly baked, the atmosphere warm and fuzzy. Teardrop loved it here. After one of their close friends, Woody, got a job here, it was their place for inspiration. The local cafe didn't sit too far from their university, so it became their go-to place in between and after classes. People strolled by every now and again, but there were only a couple memorable customers. Leafy used to work part time there; however, she made it big as an actor and resigned. Now she'll drop by every once in a while, occasionally bringing along her girlfriend, another famous actor, Pin. Firey would try to come in but he would always attempt to avoid Teardrop. His 'Close Friend (Bestie, Roommate, Colleague and I'll stop-)', Coiny, always told them it was 'nothing personal! Just Firey being weird!' Teardrop never minded though, and the two somehow became acquainted. Their strange friendship inspired some of the more memorable characters in the book.

Ding ding!

The bell at the door delicately chimed. Woody made a noise of recognition and stumbled to the counter. He sighed with relief as he noticed it was just Teardrop. The student smiled, shifting their gaze to the range of pastries. Pointing to the treat of their desire and their regular drink, Teardrop sat down while Woody prepared the order.

The gentle ring of the radio played over the speakers as the sun filtered through the windows. Teardrop hoisted their laptop out of their bag and began typing away. They were aspiring to become a writer so they'd spend the majority of their time in the cafe writing a book. As they wrote, someone approached the table. They were surprised to see a new employee holding their food.

"Uuuuuhhhhhh you're Teardrop right?"

They nodded with a smile.

"Sweet! Uh, I'm Nickel. I just started working here and Woody said, well didn't really say, that you're really cool so yeah! It's nice to meet you!"

Teardrop made a nod of approval and gave the nervous employee a thumbs up. He happily returned it before skipping off with the emptied tray.

'His personality seems like the perfect inspiration for a new character!' They thought.

A warm slice of banana bread sat beside their cup of coffee as they slowly finished their order. By the time they were all done the sky had darkened to a dull navy as they packed their things, waved goodbye, and left. (They really packed their things and left him behind huh? The feeling was old and they knew that they made up their mind SORRY-)

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