Log. 54: Friends and Foes

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"Sorry about that, I never meant to leave you hanging all by yourself in the dorm room."

"It's fine," she waved at me. "Since you're halfway of moving in with Jimin, it makes me think about Jiwon's offer of finding a place together."

At the mention of Jisoo's boyfriend, I watched how her eyes glimmered with excitement and suddenly felt happy for her. The two of them had been dating since forever. They met during freshman years, and Jiwon had done all he could to get her attention until the day she agreed to start seeing him. Not that he had any hard time to attract Jisoo in the first place. He had entered our university through a scholarship after he had won multiple lacrosse tournaments in high school, yet he never acted like other jocks or frat boys and had been taking his study so seriously that even I had started to admire the boy.

But he also moved fast.

Since he was done with the lifestyle he had gotten from living in his frat house, Jiwon had decided to step out of it and began his search for an apartment. The only problem was that he had persuaded Jisoo to move in with him. With me rarely being in the dorm, it gave him more reason to coax Jisoo into giving in.

"Have you given it a thought? About moving in?"

Jisoo sighed without looking away from the road. "I have. I know we've been dating for a while now but I still think it's too early to do something like that and I'd feel like a freeloader if he pays for everything."

I lifted my eyebrows. "Ah, so that's why you insisted to come with me today for that part-time job interview."

"Yep," she grinned. "I figured if I could find a way to afford it, I won't feel so guilty if I finally agree to move out of the dorm. Especially when he still insists on buying us a lodge instead of getting an apartment."

Smiling to myself, I couldn't help but agree with her. I knew I would feel the same if Jimin should ever bring up anything about living together, though thankfully, he hadn't.

And the job interview I had just gotten out of really had nothing to do with making future plannings or saving up for anything serious like that. Not for me.

I was determined to take any chances that I could have to do everything that my past self had missed out on, and one of the things that I had found out about that part of me was the fact that I had never had a chance to enjoy college life the way I wanted. I could see myself partying in those memories, though it had somehow become something I didn't miss. Finishing my studies at the university had become my first focus after knowing that it was my first failure. Then I found out that I had always wanted to have a part-time job to make me feel more independent than how I used to be then.

I had been doing small jobs since the second year, tutoring other students in my class and from the year below me between classes. But when Taehyung had told me that there was an opening at the coffee shop where he used to work at, I had to try and come for the interview. Then Jisoo tagged along after I told her about it, yet I didn't exactly know why she suddenly became interested in finding side jobs until now.

The interview had lasted a bit longer than expected when the manager sat down with us to have a friendly chat to get to know us after the interview was over. Which was why I had Jisoo with me now, giving me a ride to the pub where I was supposed to meet Taehyung before my date with Jimin later.

My phone chimed as another message came in and I instantly looked down, hoping that it would be Jimin.

"Is it him again? Are you guys still texting even if you're meeting up with him in about an hour?"

I chuckled. "No, it's Taehyung. He texted to let me know that he'll be a bit late," I answered while I texted my response. Then my mind came back to Jimin and I couldn't help but sigh. "I know I've spent so much time with Jimin but I can't help but miss him already. And it's only been a day without him."

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