Log.9: Alter

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—Jeon Residence, year 2026—

I heard Jungkook entering the house right after I finished working and while I was getting ready to prepare dinner. I was on my way to leave the study room when he appeared at the doorway.

"Jungkook, you're home early."

He stood there in the doorway, looking at me closely with a weird look on his face. "Why aren't you ready yet? We're going to be late."

"Late? For what?" I could only stare at him completely clueless, unable to understand what he was saying.

"The company dinner," he told me with a frown. "It's tonight. I told you that I need you to come with me tonight."

"No, you haven't. Are you sure it was me that you have spoken about it with?" Because I would've remembered if you ever spoke to me at all.

He seemed puzzled for a few moments, flustered by my words that he looked away. "I—Look, just get ready quickly, okay? Please?"

I kept staring at him for a moment, before deciding that it probably would be better not to argue. Nodding my head, I started to walk into our bedroom without saying anything.

"______?" I stopped and turned around to look at him, startled when I heard him calling me with a more gentle voice.


He seemed unsure at first, but then he turned nervous when he asked me, "Do you still have that dress I gave you on our fifth anniversary?"

"Yes, I still keep it in our wardrobe. Why?"

"Can you please wear it for me tonight?" He asked me, smiling at me ever so gently that I could see the sincerity in his eyes. My heart instantly broke when I saw them, when all the feelings he used to be able to ignite inside me started to return to me, and I easily gave in.

"Of course. I'll wear it if you want me to."

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