"I'm painting another picture for the wall" Kennedy said as I looked at the evidence on her clothing. Drips of paint stained her plain grey shirt and her leggings. Her hair was in a small bun, so her curls won't distract her concentration.

   Kenya has dirt on her legs, meaning she's been outside. "I'm practicing my throws and catches" she said holding her mitt in her hand. She played softball and she's quite good at it. She loved sports and always found interest in trying out different ones, every new season. It costs us a lot money but it's worth it for something she loves doing.

     "I can't wait to see the painting and imma come see your progress". I responded to the both of them.

   They both ran off to finish their hobbies, leaving to go visit my wife in the kitchen. "Hey babe" I greeted , giving her a kiss on the cheek. Peyton wrapped her arms around me, and kissing my on the lips. We stayed in the position for a minute as I took in the smell of her sweet perfume. "It smells amazing in here" I complimented as she smirked proudly, scooping some of the sauce on the spoon. I opened my mouth and she poured some in as I groaned in satisfaction. "This sauce is amazing".

  "I know, it's new recipe, I found on Pinterest" she said doing a victory dance. "So I picked out some games for us to play. We got the board games, cheater monopoly, Life, scrabble, and Clue" she named all the options, games I haven't touched in years.

    "I'm surprised they still sell those" I said and she nodded in agreement, going in the cabinet to take out the plates. "Yeah, I wanted to do something that doesn't involve phones. I feel like sometime we're to consumed in social media and I don't want my kids thinking that's the only way to have fun is making videos and being in drama".

    "That's fine, we can start after we eat dinner and shower" I said, taking the plates out of her hands.

   "Julian, I can fix our food, I'm sure you've had a long day at work" she said with a slight pout on her face.

   "You had to work to. I'll fix our plates and the kids can fix their own plates"I said as she sighed in defeat not bothering to go back and forth with me. "Thanks Ju" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek and sitting at the island, watching me.

    "It's kinda creepy with you watching me" I joked as she giggled, blushing.

  "I can't admire my husband" she rolled her neck, playfully rolling her eyes.

   "You can admire me anytime you want, I'm yours" I reminded her and she smiled. "Ewwwwww" I heard little voices rang out as Kennedy and Kenya came in the kitchen, covering their ears. "Lalalalalalalalalala" Kenya chanted, washing her hands as I made kissy noises to purposely annoy them.

"Y'all ready for game night" the both of nodded eagerly.

Kennedy rubbed her hands together, smiling mischievously. "Lets make a bet" she said , catching all our attention. Peyton and I looked at each other, listening. "Whoever loses all the games had to the laundry and dishes for the next two weeks".

"It would be real funny if you didn't win" Kenya responded, shaking her sister's hand, confirming the deal.

"I'm down" Peyton said looking at me. "I'm cool with it".

We all sat at the dining room, talking about our day. "I love you, you all mean the world to me and don't you ever doubt that" I blurted out randomly. Which isn't anything new, it's a habit I developed when they were first born.

"I love you to, daddy" Kennedy responded first with a wide smile.

Kenya had her mouth full, holding up her finger telling me to wait. "I love you to".

Best Friend's LoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang