19. Cant Keep Doing This

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sorry for these slow ass updates.. school has been kicking my ass. It's been three weeks and I feel like half or the year has passed already😭

         I picked up one the souvenirs t-shirts and quickly put it back on the rack

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I picked up one the souvenirs t-shirts and quickly put it back on the rack. These stores love trynna rip you off because your a tourist and it wasn't in a budget to spend twenty dollar on a shirt that said Orlando. Instead I peeped the keychain that was only two dollars, giving it a thumbs up.

Going to the counter , I watched the cashier ring up my item. After paying for it, I got the mini bag, meeting the guys and a few other classmates at the exit. The teacher did a head count and we followed behind her, having mini conversation amongst ourselves.

"Y'all hungry" she asked, readjusting her classes. We all hummed in a response and she took out her phone, I'm guessing to text the other chaperones.

        The sun definitely out and small beads of sweat dripped down my forehead. The breeze came through , blowing the leaves on the few trees around the area. Down the road we're plenty of white people who's head were a dark shade of red. I never understood why some of them didn't believe in wearing sunscreen, especially when sun burn is more noticeable on them.

      The teacher turned back around, using her hand to block the sun from her face. "Y'all can split up but meet me back here in two hours. Please be safe and don't do anything stupid. If you need me , you all have my number"

      Everyone agreed, gathering in their cliques, while I looked around for a certain someone. I stood in the background, seeing the beautiful face that has my attention. Her hair blew in the wind, making it seem like she was walking in slow motion. She stood near the stood, getting a feel of the air conditioning, leaning back on the concrete wall. Pushing myself off the wall, I let out a breath, fiddling with the palms of my hands.

        I tapped her on the shoulder, she looked up at me, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention. She shrugged my hand away, crossing her arms. "For someone who wanted to keep this friendship on the low, you getting real bold out here" she whispered, creating someone distance in between us.

       "Hang out with me for the next two hours. I wanna spend some time with you" I said, licking my lips. Instead of waiting for a reply, I drag her behind me, heading into a mini seafood place that happened to be a few seconds away. "I'm not giving you a choice, food is on me"

      Natalie let go of my hand, sitting down inside the booth. I smoothly slid in next to her, wrapping my arm around her waist. She ignored me , pulling out her phone and scrolling down her feed. After liking a few pictures, she then switched to her dms, a light smile came across her face. I clenched my jaws, as the username Jhon was the first one she had been chatting with frequently.

Taking the phone out her hand, I locked it and stuffed it inside my pocket. She looked at me crazy, struggling to get it but soon gave up, pouring. "He's gonna think I just left on seen on purpose" she whined, kicking her legs against mine under the table. "Give me my phone"

I relaxed against the cushion, eyeing her shockingly. "He must be real important if you finna cry a waterfall cause you didn't text him back" Opening the menu, I lifted my head, seeing she still held the same pout on her face. "Fix your face, we finna get to know each other better"

      She grabbed the mini tablet on the table, typing in her order. "I've known you well enough to your an asshole" she said in dismissive tone. "But I guess I'll play your little game"

        The lights in the mini restaurant were dim, soft voices were heard in the background. The booths were all shaped around the building to make the letter S. Through the speakers 8TEEN x Khalid, lyrics spoke to all the teenagers, relating to our struggles. The people around were mostly a younger crowd, it didn't look like anyone over twenty-five. Waitresses and waiters scrambled back and forth, some wearing a forced smile and others naturally happy.

      "What's your favorite color" Natalie asked sipping her blue raspberry flavored sprite that the waiter recently brought to the table. "I'm into royal blue heavy, that color is fire" I responded, pointing to my shirt as a prime example. "What's yours"

    She tilted her head to the sighed, in slight confusion. "Imma just say yellow, I find myself picking out things in that color a lot" she hummed, thinking of another question.

       "Hmmm so you a wannabe bumblebee" I mentioned earning a eye roll from her. "I hope one day them shits get stuck"

   "Says the nigga who wanna be a crip so bad" she retorted, holding up the middle finger. I grabbed onto my pocket, feeling her phone vibrate once again. "Someone keep blowing you up"

    Natalie fanned it off. "It's probably the girls asking about my whereabouts. Nathan knows about me so I'm not concerned about them at the moment" she said in annoyance, taking another sip of her drink. From how strongly the statements came out her mouth, I could tell she was feeling some type of way.

     I frowned in concern. "You and girls got into it"

    She shrugged. "Me and Aubrey are okay but Ronnie been mad shady since you did that body shot. She bring up you up constantly and won't let us forget about the date. She kept bringing up how y'all text or whatever, taking on FaceTime." The waiter placed our jumbo shrimp platter on the table. "That's fine but sis I don't wanna hear that shit"

     "I'm upset and guilty at the same time and being around her just isn't the best right now, so I've been distant." Digging in her fanny pack, she dug out her sanitizer, cleaning her hands. She then gave me some and put it back in her purse.  "It feels wrong being here right now"

         Clenching my jaw, irritation was starting to come over me but I understood where she was coming from. It's obvious that feelings were starting to form and there was no controlling them. I genuinely enjoy her company as a friends when she's not being stubborn.

      I snapped my hands together, opening my mouth to form a 'O'. "That's why you've been distant because of Ronnie's feelings towards me." She nodded and I shrugged. "We're just friends it's nothing serious"

       I didn't find anything wrong with what we're doing. It wasn't like we were messing around behind Ronnie's back or anything, this was totally innocent. Right?

      She bitterly chuckled, pushing her plate back. Natalie grabbed a napkin, wiping the cocktail sauce away from her mouth. "You really think I would feel bad if we were acting like friends?" She questioned, running her fingers through her wavy hair. "Friends don't kiss on the lips mistakenly, friends don't just flirt for the hell of it" she snapped, moving her hand forward, gesturing for me to step out the booth.

        A tear slid down her face, I lifted my hand up, wiping it away. "I'm not suppose to be feeling like this. We can't keep doing this"

      Heading that had somehow cut deep inside. Instead of responding, I wrapped my arms her, rocking our bodies side to side. I felt her latch onto my shirt, laying her head on my chest.

     It was never suppose to get this deep...

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