10. We Won (Pt.2)

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    Standing in the locker room, the tension is thick

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Standing in the locker room, the tension is thick. Every player sat quietly on a bench or in the middle changing, remembering their mission tonight. Our goal was to win this game, to prove we're no one to mess with. The top team in the district, the region. Even though we had more games against WoodWind, I wanted the set the bar high.

"GO OUT THERE AND DO WHAT WEVE BEEN WORKING OUR ASSES FOR. WE GOT THIS SHIT IN THE BAG, DONT FUCK THIS UP" coach yelled, the bass of his voice echoing. "OH AND HAVE FUN"he screamed, heading out the room. "They're finna call y'all in a few".

Ten minutes our team name was called into the field. We ran the onto the fake grass, hyping each other up. Our energy was high, ready for any challenge coming our way. Giving myself a pep talk, I tried to keep myself from getting so amped up. The rival team came into the field, in silence as the audience cheered for them. The sun is down and the only light was from the post lights on the side. The music to the national anthem played , we all stood with our right hand over our hearts.

Once the song went off, the team got into their positions. "You ready" Jeremy questioned , holding out his fist.

"Let's do this" I responded as we bumped fist. "We finna kill this shit" Wyatt shouted as the the team started to roar in excitement. The referee blew the whistle and the battle started from there.

The game was currently, sixty three-fifty seven. WoodWind was on cloud nine in there corner while on our side, they were on the edge of their seats. In the distance coach could be heard screaming inaudible curse words. Time was ticking, only four minutes left on the clock. Dodging the oops, I tossed the ball to Jeremy, watching him run it to the goal. The crowd roared as I jumped up, high fiving a random dude on the team. "THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.", I beat on my chest, positioning myself from the next play. "One more touch down and this shit is ours".

       "Calvin is close, find a way to throw it to him without one them of catching it" Joesph said running on the other side of the field, blocking someone on the field. After awhile one of the players tossed it Calvin and it took off towards the goalie. I ran, tacking Nathan who wasn't to far behind him. "Shit" I heard him curse and a loud beep rung out, signaling the game was over. Getting up, I helped up Nathan as he dapped me up. "Good game" he said.

   "Good game" I repeated, shaking his hand. In the stands, Natalie is easily seen in the front row dancing. She has a way of being classy and seductive at the same time, I don't think she realizes it either. It something that she does naturally and that's really a turn on for me. We lined up, shaking hands with the opposite team to show good sportsmanship. Heading back in the locker room, we waited until the doors were closed to gloat.

"We won"

"We won"

"Who won" I shouted.

"We won" everyone shouted in unison, piped.

"We gotta celebrate, man" Joesph threw the idea out on the table and everyone agreed. "Meet at my house" he said, throwing his hands in the air.

We had time to wonder around and social before heading on the bus back to school. I went in the lines for the concession stand, seeing Natalie talking to one of her teammates. Walking up to her, I tapped her on the shoulder smiling. She finished up her conversation before paying me any attention. "Talk to later, girl" she said and turned to me, crossing her arms over her chest. "Hey, Julian" she said in a neutral tone, no excitement.

"Congratulations on the win, I'm glad you could it with your own abilities" she threw shots, a million bullets. I wrapped my arms around her, taking in her sweet scent. Kissing her temple, she tried to cover the smile on her face, pushing me away. "Uh uh, your not off the hook buddy." She seemed to be convincing herself more than me. "Always play fair, you understand".

"I don't know what was going through my head. With me being Captain now, I feel like it's my duty to win every game and know that's impossible. I just want the best, especially since colleges are looking at me heavy now", I vented as we got closer to the stand. I had my mind set on some tropical skittles and a Gatorade. "It won't happen again, I promise" I said and she smiled.

"You don't need to cheat, Ju. You and the team are very capable of winning without the need to figure out what the opponent is doing. It's okay to win and lose some games, at the end of the day your still a human. It's about fun and playing your best, don't put some much pressure on yourself, babe" she gave me the pep talk that I needed to hear. "Can I have a kiss since I won" I asked, puckering my lips and closing my eyes.

    "Hmmm" she responded, going to the counter and ordering. "Can I have some hot Cheetos and a blue gatorade" she asked the lady, watching her go to back, picking out her desires.

     "That would be two dollars" I laid the money on the counter as Natalie rolled her eyes. The lady laughed at her facial expression, handing over the items. "Let him spoil you girl, save that money" she encouraged, laughing.

     "Right" I agreed, earning a glare from Nat. "Can I have tropical skittles and a red Gatorade, please" I gave her the money and she gave me my snacks.

       Calvin came running around the corner, in a hurry. "Ju, it's time to head on the bus" he told me, quickly, before running back. "I'll be there in a minute" I said turning to face my girlfriend who was being difficult at the moment. "I'm not leaving until I get that kiss" I said as she turned away from me, looking at me out the corner of her eye.

     "You looking real good in your uniform" I complimented, walking behind her. "Why you being difficult" I groaned as she laughed at me. She enjoyed playing with my emotions and it irritated me at times. "You know I'm on a time crunch, cut your man some slack" I whined as she smirked, standing on her tippy toes to kiss me. She pecked my lips, pulling away and pushing me towards the bus.

"I LOVE YOU" she shouted, waving at me. I pulled down the window on the bus, sticking my head out. "I LOVE YOU TO, BABY", I yelled back gaining attention from bystanders at the school. Some cooed about cute it was while my teammates mocked.

"I lOvE yOu tO" Jeremy mocked. "Simp ass" he joked , causing everyone else to laugh.

"Ha Ha" I sarcastically laughed. "That's why you lonely bitches is single" I said , facing the window, causing the rest of them to shut up.

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