39. He trippin'

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Enjoy 👇🏾


            I threw random outfits in the bag, not caring if it matched or not

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            I threw random outfits in the bag, not caring if it matched or not. I really wasn't in the mood to think twice about it. Zipping up the bag, I threw the bag by the door, seeing a figure standing in the doorway. Dad stood leaning his head on the wall with his arms crossed. Trying to fix my face, I didn't wanna get another useless lecture. "You don't have to pretend to be happy, but your going anyways" he plainly stated in a monotone.

     "I don't understand the purpose of going over there" I flat out stated since no one else seemed upset or concerned. The only person who's excited about visiting mom is Noah and he knows nothing about the situation.

      "Son" he came in, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Your mother and I getting divorce shouldn't affect your relationship with either of us. You had me thinking, she neglecting you but calling everyone else phone. I called her to confront her about it and come to find out, you don't even answer the damn phone"

    "The same phone that you break your neck to use everything else for, yet you can't answer her calls"

I opened my mouth to defend myself but there was nothing to say to make it okay. Going down my call log were plenty of missed calls from my mother, I just let the phone ring every time. She always texted me about wanting to meet up, spend time with her and all but I never had the heart to respond. Our dad was forcing us to go over her house this weekend, so we had no choice to accept it.

My dad stood in front of me, his nose flaring in anger. The look in his eyes read disappointment and that haunted me. He reached his arm out, using his hand to make a firm grip on my collar, pulling me forward. "Whatever excuse your trying to come up with, save it" he gritted out. "Don't ignore your mother over a situation you don't understand fully. Whatever happened between your mother and I is our business. Stay in a child's place, you will be going to her house this weekend , finish getting ready"

He let my shirt go, pushing me back. I landed on the bed with an attitude. I regret hearing what mom did because it changed my whole perspective of things. I tried to push back through it but seeing her pregnant constantly reminding me of her wrongdoings. I knew ignoring her wasn't the best route to solving my problems but it's the only thing that made sense at the moment. "This is some bullshit" I made sure to mumble not wanting dad to pop back in here.

"BRING YALL ASSES DOWN HERE" Dad shouted jiggling his keys, signaling that he's ready to go. "If y'all not in this far in two minutes, I know something" I heard him say sternly and the door being slammed, leaving a dramatic effect.

Tiny feet steps furiously went down the hall, Noah nearly fell dragging his suitcase downstairs. "Bro he trippin'" Noah complained, still sprinting to the car. I let out a laugh, taking my precious time since the car wasn't that far away down the driveway. Neenan pushed past me with a little pep in his step. "Nigga you better hurry up, I'm not getting my ass whooped for you" I waved him off, I still had a few seconds left. The trunk was open for us to put our bags in, I neatly put my belongings in, not wanting my stuff to be tossed everywhere from reckless turns because my dad wasn't the best when it came to driving.

"Three, two, one" dad finished the countdown and the alarm on his phone went off. Opening the car door, he stepped out, coming towards me. There was a massive leather belt in his hand, that he kept waving around. I took a few steps back, taking in the surroundings, debating on if I should make a run for it. "Since you wanna take your time, imma give you a reason to be some pep in yo' step" he threatened and that was enough courage to make a run for it. I took off down the street with him hot on my tail. I mentally cursed myself, remembering that my dad was in great shape and could easily keep up with me. The cons of having an active and healthy father, damn it.

Feeling a hard sting on my back, I winced but quickly made a u-turn. He then struck me again, laughing in victory. Neenan stuck his arm out the window, trying to get a good angle to videotape this foolery. I saw a couple of houses blinds started to open, a few eyes peeking through the windows at the unnecessary scene. The hard hit towards my ass and another slash at the back of my legs, caused me to lose my balance. Tumbling over in the grass, he stood over me with a unpleased look on his face. "Get your sorry ass in the car, running around like a damn two year old, Noah don't even do shit like this"

Noah flexed his imaginary muscles, kissing them. "I take my whoopings like a real man, punk"

I sat in the backseat, plugging in my earphones to drown them out. I was embarrassed and didn't wanna be bothered with any of them at the moment. Scrolling down my timeline, Neenan wasted no time posting the video on his page. I searched around the car, finding something to hit him in the head with. Seeing a short black umbrella, I reached up, hitting him in the back of head with it. "You son of a bitch, why the fuck would post it"

Neenan looked back at me like I had two heads, his fist quickly came in contact with my eye. "Nigga don't play with me, you've had a stick on your ass all day" he said and dad quickly interjected.

    "Sit your ass down in that seat" he scolded. "Secondly, your the oldest why are you even entertaining this little ass boy" he questioned, earning a loud sigh from my older brother by one year.

   I scrunched my face up in confusion because I'm only a year younger than him. I unpaused my music, turning it all the way up. I Don't Fuck with You x Big Sean started playing loudly, I purposed turn it up knowing they could hear every lyric. I could clearly see dad glaring at me through the review mirror, Neenan eyed me through the window. Noah sat next to me , mouthing the lyrics, doing different hand gestures. Smirking I kept myself entertained until we pulled up in my mother's driveway. Sulking in the seat, I dreaded having to step foot into the house.

My dad parked, pressing the button on the side of the driver's side door to open the trunk. It popped open, revealing our bags and suitcases. Before the trunk closed good, the front door flew open, momma stood there with wide arms. Noah ran over to her, smiling full of joy to her, the hug warmed my heart just a little.

"I missed you guys so much" she said picking up Noah in the process. "Did you miss me Noah" she asked.

He nodded, using his fingers as a representation. "This how much I missed you" he said making a wide gap with his fingers. "I think about you everyday"

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