18. I'll regret it later (Pt.2)

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Sooooo it's going down in this chapter!Hope y'all ready for this one🤪


   Three weeks later

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   Three weeks later...

          In the dark, I sat up in the bed, on my phone clicking through old videos. Videos of Natalie and I when things were good and we weren't going through this rough patch. Smiling, I turned up the volume, seeing a video of us in the car. She was making one of her many memories of her lip syncing and turned the camera to me, grabbing my face. "Your soooo handsome, I love you" she giggled, turning around to give me a kiss.

    "I love you to" , I've been watching our old pictures and videos for two hours straight. This is the only thing keeping me sane since I can't talk to her. Natalie blocked me on everything except Instagram, and I wanted to not be blocked on that either so I refrained form dming her or posting about her. I guess I deserve this, I haven't been on the best path but I didn't think it would effect my relationship.

Looking at the time, I debated on dming her. It's currently one o'clock in the morning and I wanted to test my luck.

Stealyogirlju: Natalie....please unblock me.

  As soon as the message sent, seconds later it was left on seen. Sighing, I laid my phone on the nightstand in defeat. Dang, did I fuck up that bad? At the end of the day, I didn't do anything towards her so I really don't understand her anger towards the situation. Running a hand down my face, I stared at the ceiling in deep thought, trying to force myself to go to bed.

    Hearing my phone vibrate on the nightstand, I got hype, rushing to see the notification. My smile instantly faded seeing a text from Laila instead of Natalie. Then again, I needed something to distract me from this wack situation, and she's usually the right person.

    Laila🤩:R u up?


Laila🤩: You good?

  Not really but I'll manage. A lot is going one right now...

Laila🤩: Put on some shoes, I'm finna come scoop ya!🥳

   Staring at the phone in confusion, that didn't stop me from putting on a pair of Nike slides and a light jacket. Opening the window, I climbed out, hanging on the edge for a split second. Letting myself go, I fell on a pile of leaves I put right there on purpose. The sneaking out thing has gotten better for me. Seeing the bright car lights, I recognized the vehicle and stood on the end of the side walk.

Once she unlocked the doors, I plopped down in the passenger seat. "What's poppin'" I greeted, giving her a side hug. She smiled, shaking her head. "Nothing much, just needed to get out the house and since your feeling shitty to, it made sense to invite you out.", she reasoned and I nodded in agreement.

Driving around in the pitch black, the only source of light were the street lights, some of those were out to. A few cars passed by but the roads are mostly empty. "Soooo what's the move" I questioned in curiosity since we've been driving for a minute. She pulled into a neighborhood and not to long in a driveway. The house was a brick two story, that seemed freshly new. Even in the dark you can see the garden of fresh plants and some veggies.

"Follow me" Laila simply led the way, opening the door and walking in with no remorse. I looked at my surroundings in disbelief of the non parental vision, which explains a lot. We came in contact with another door, which I'm guessing is leading to the basement. It was a chill spot, a black comfortable couch set and a small coffee table in the middle. LED lights hanging from the corners of the room, they were currently on red. "This is my humble home" she smiled, going in the refrigerator and took out two beers.

I gladly took one, popping the bottle open. She sat down and patted a seat next to her, taking a sip of her beer. For a second, Laila took the time to study my expression, leaning back into the sofa. Crossing her legs together, she took a big gulp, smirking. "What makes you so... ummm wild" I questioned in curiosity. She acted as if there wasn't anything to care for, she lives with no worries and drew me to her.

She shrugged. "I use to care about school, I use to to look forward to the future. Then I got tired of living like a robot and shit changed." , her eyes stared at the wall as if she watched her whole life unfold. "It became a point where I felt pressured and over worked myself. My teachers, friends , and family expect so much out of me because I'm 'smart' but I still wanted to live life. I got tired of pretending to be some goody two shoes , when I enjoyed, smoking, partying, and just being free."

"Don't get me wrong, I still maintain the grades and do dance but it gets stressful sometimes. To keep that wonderful image up, popping percs is enough to make me feel that way again. It's not a healthy habit but it works." , Laila explained, her eyes never leaving the wall. "Some people don't agree with my choices but who gives a fuck."

She turned facing me, tapping my leg. "How about you, star player of the year. What's your story? This wasn't your vibe last year" she giggled and I rolled my eyes.

I honestly couldn't explain it. "I'm changing, I don't know if it's for the better or worst. I think I'm still trying to come to terms that next semester is my last semester of high school and I wanna live it to the fullest. So far I've fucked up a few times but I've been having tons of fucking fun."

"Some think I'm having tooo much fun tho" I mumbled and she shook her head. "Your just being you. Don't let anyone try to guilt you for enjoying your life. At the end of the day no one of forcing you, these are your decisions. Just don't lose sight of the important things, but still do your own thing. Don't let the constant celebrating and drinks get to your head."

"I'm trying but it's hard" I put my head in my hands, getting stressed out all over again. She reached over, removing my hands away, and put hers on my face instead. "Forget about it right now", I watched her lips move , forgetting about the rest of her speech. She soon stopped talking and just stared into my eyes, moving closer and I made no effort to turn the other way. Laila climbed into my lap, my hands resting on her slim waist.

Our lips touched and immediately those thoughts and worries left straight out the window. Laila is the only thing on my mind right now, I think I needed that. The feelings are definitely there, we've just been containing them pretty well. I'm sure I'll regret this in the next few hours but right now common sense doesn't exist.

Wheeewwwwew chile😔.

I can't believe that Julian would do some trifling ass shit like that!!!! I thought he was solid but everyone has their breaking point.

How are y'all feeling?

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