36. Talk About What?

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      Ronnie: Do you have a minute to talk?

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      Ronnie: Do you have a minute to talk?

      I stared at the notification, not making any motion to touch it. Mentally, I debated whether to respond or not. It's been sitting on my screen for about five minutes now, I'm still stuck. Taking a screenshot of the message, I quickly sent to Aubrey, wanting to know how to respond or should I even waste my time. I haven't spoke to Ronnie since that whole brawl during Christmas. Then her showing up at school with Samuel out of spite for me, just showed me her true colors. It surprised me but I've always known she's had a mean streak, never thought it would be used towards me.

Brey❣️: Uh Uh Sun ain't right....

Nat💕: I kinda wanna respond... is that weird?

Brey❣️: Respond but if you smell some bullshit abort mission!

Nat💕: imma try

Exited out of our threads, a million thoughts ran through my head.

Natalie: Talk about what?

       A second layer, the three dots popped up on the screen. I turned off the screen, trying to occupy myself in the meantime. Going in the closet, I took out the three bottles of cologne that I brought Julian for his birthday. It was a hard decision but buying it was really affordable.  Pulling out the gift bag, I got customized with his name and birthday on it, I smiled, sliding the packages inside. Grabbing the small roll of tape, I tore a small piece, sticking the ends of the bag together.

     Ronnie: This is probably asking to much but meet me at our old location.

       Furrowing my eyebrows, I twisted my mouth in confusion. Slipping on a jacket and a random pair of shoes, I peeked my head outside the room. It wasn't late but a little much to randomly be going out this time on a school night. Picking up my phone and the keys to the house, I rushed downstairs, making sure the coast is clear. On the last stair, I lost my balancing causing a big thud to be heard. "Fuck" I whispered to myself in annoyance.

      Nathan appeared in my line of vision, standing over me. He crouched down, reaching the same level as me. "Going somewhere" he questioned, pointing to the evidence in my hands and appearance. "Your not sneaking out to see that fool" he assumed referring to Julian. Mushing his face, I finally got the energy to get off the ground. "No and he's not a fool" I pouted.

      "So where are you going" he asked, going back in the kitchen to finish preparing his snack for the night. "Your dressed like a bum so it can't be anywhere important"

    I scoffed. "None your business, just cover for me until I get back" I instructed. "Hopefully this won't take long"

     Nathan squinted his eyes at me, thinking hard. Knowing him, he probably assumed I'll be doing something stupid, which I technically am. "Please don't get into any trouble, be safe and call me"

      I nodded, giving him a quick hug. "I love you" I said rushy , closing the front door before he could respond. The sun was in the middle of setting, the sky currently orange. It shredded enough light on the path I was walking down, bringing up old memories. Ronnie and I would come this way all the time, to get away from our issues. Whether it dealt with school, family , friends, we could always find peace this way. We found an abandoned road in our neighborhood, being the nosy pre-teens that we've always been. "Someone should really cut the grass back here"

            I laughed at myself remembering that no one came back here. In the mini woods, I heard little movements. Bending over, I picked up the stone I threw the last time, I walked over here, that was almost eight months ago. Since then three new trees had grown, dark green leaves decorating them. Further down the bath was the fort made out of sticks and a big branches. It was a little lopsided but it still held up pretty well. Turning the corner of a bush, there stood Ronnie, sobbing. "Umm hey"

     "You came" Ronnie said in disbelief but quickly tried to recover. "We need to talk"

      I nodded nonchalantly. "About what, you seem to be fine"

    She shook her head frantically. "Life has been a living hell." Using her hand, she wiped under her eye. The mud of foundation removed from her face, a big fresh scar sat on her face. Covering my mouth, I stuck my hand out in disbelief. "Did Samuel do this" I questioned since rumors have been going around and I've seen what the boy is capable of.

       "I-I-I-it's been happening for awhile now, I'm fed up" she confessed. "I wanna leave but I can't. I don't wanna tell my parents or anyone the real reason behind it because then he really won't leave me alone."

     "I regret doing this shit in the first place" she admitted. "This was all a front to upset you and I'm not one that got scorned in the end" Ronnie sniffles, wiping the access snot with her hand.  "I called because there's no one else I felt comfortable talking to. Sadly, it took for me getting my ass beat to finally realize that I lost a good friendship. I just wanna someone to talk to , I don't expect us to ever have the same bond like we use to"

     I looked at the sky, thinking maybe a sign in big letters would guide me. This whole situation is to much to take in at one time and sadly I care to much. It hurts to know that someone that I love dearly is slowly being broken down, little by little everyday to some low life. "I suggest talking to someone of high authority. Handling this by yourself is only gonna make this worse, I wish you the best of luck but I can't do this right now"

   "I can't watch you like this"

         Running from the scene, it was the only thing that seem to make sense. The one thing in life that's simple, the air brushed against me, blowing my stray hair out the way. Apart of me wanted to feel bad but then another part says this is karma. This all started over some petty vendetta that could've been solved by having a simple conversation or acting our fucking age. Her admitting that them being together was suppose to make me breakdown, really was a reality check.

          Soon enough, I came in contact with my front door. Nathan sat on the couch, with a look of concern. Instead of asking questions, he simply opened his arms, not bothering to pester me. "I hate being a teenager" I said aloud, he just rubbed my back in response, tightening the hug. "She really has been getting abused"

    "Don't dwell on it, pray that things get better for her. Don't let her guilt you into feeling sorry for her, she got into this trying to spiteful and it bit her in the ass" Nathan summarized. "Onto better things, you wanna watch that lame ass movie you love"

    "To all the boys I've loved before" I whispered, a smile coming onto my face. It warmed my heart that he would torture himself to cheer me up. He had a love/ hate relationship with the movie because it was something I could watch repeatedly. Every time was like the first time, I'm a sucker for teen romance.

    "Yes, go get the remote"

   "Yay" I said clapping my hands. "Go get the popcorn"

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