48. Ronnie

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      After a long session, I sighed at the foggy windows, feeling a little ashamed at my actions

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      After a long session, I sighed at the foggy windows, feeling a little ashamed at my actions. A smile graced my face as I felt around for a sign of my leggings. Sliding back over to the driver's seat, I managed to slip my clothes on in the closed space. The car full of silence, the only thing that's heard is constant shuffling of getting ourselves together. The only thing going through my head is how mind blowing this is.

   I did the dirty with Julian, good girl gone wild.

       Turning my head to look at him, he's already facing me with a smirk on his face. We instantly burst out laughing, throwing the awkwardness out the window. Leaning on the seat, I gazed at him, admiring how beautiful smile that I've managed to keep on his face often. "Soooooo" Julian dragged out, moving his eyebrows up and down. "How was it, I had you screaming so I mean" he trailed off, shrugging his shoulders.

      My facial expression went blank. "It was trash, it's called faking a orgasm" I said watching his face turn to a frown. His eyes widened as if I just spoken a forbidden language. "Y-y-you playing right" he questioned in fear. I literally cackled at his reaction because his ego instantly went down from that small comment. Me laughing probably made him feel a lot worse than he already felt but I can't help it. "You really think this is funny"

     I covered my mouth, trying to stop myself from laughing. He crossed his arms in disappointment, furrowing his eyebrows. "Just take me home" he huffed, looking out the window.

      "Babe, I'm just playing. Your the best I've ever had" I assured him, touching his back.

    Out the corner of his eye, he looked at me. "Really" he asked facing me fully. "No funny shit"

   "No funny shit" I said, shaking my head. He really threw a temper tantrum over this, so dramatic. Hearing my phone ring once again, I reached in my purse taking it out. It's been ringing for over the past two hours , so it has to be something serious. Seeing Nathan's name across my screen, I answered in confusion as to why he's calling me.


      "Where you at" he asked in a worry tone, alarming me.

   "I'm with Julian"

    "Ronnie's in the hospital" the rest of the sentence went straight out the window. All I heard was Ronnie being in the hospital and that instantly caught my attention. Her and I weren't on the best terms but I wasn't looking forward to hearing this news at all. "Is she okay"

      "She's holding on for dear life right now, it's not looking good" Nathan reported. "I already texted you the address so just come"

      "Ok" I whispered hanging up the phone. A tear slid down my face and I quickly wiped it.  Feeling a hand on my knee, Julian reached in the glove department getting me a napkin. He called it around my eyes, wiping away the tear drops that were threatening to fall any minute. "I'm gonna drive because your not in the right mindset right now" Julian said, taking the keys away from my hand.

     We opened the car door, switching sides. He drove to the hospital, not speaking a word. We sat in our thoughts and many negative ones went through mine. Mentally, I'm walking on eggshells because I only wanted the best out the situation. Then again, I knew how Samuel can get and I'm sure he beat her until he went numb. "She's gonna be okay" Julian calmly said seeing me having a panic attack in the passenger seat.

   "Don't feed me lies, we all saw this coming." I spewed, thinking realistically.

      Once he parked the car, I nearly jumped out the seat. Anxiously, running to the front desk, the random lady stared at me with sympathy in her eyes. "Who are you here to visit today" she asked already on her computer, typing.

"Ronnie Crawford" I fiddled with my fingers and she types in the name, finding the room number. "Are you related to her in any shape or form"

"She's my sister" I lied as another tear came out my eye. "Go to room twenty-two on the first floor"

Dashing down the hall, I scanned the constant room numbers. Towards the end of the hall, I spotted twenty two in gold letters , catching my attention. Knocking on the door, the doorknob turned slowly and her mother came into view. "Oh Natalie, I'm so glad you came"

"How is she" I said, fully stepping inside the room. The person in that hospital bed didn't look anything like my best friend. Her once flawless skin had bruises everywhere from the face down. Going closer to analyze Ronnie a little closer, there's a couple of cuts on her bottom lip. A mark from where's she's been stabbed on neck and a bunch of stitches in so many places. The fact that she's gaining oxygen from a machine scares me even more.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder. "Samuel nearly beat the last breath out of her. She's currently in a coma right now and the doctor aren't sure if she's going to make it. I just hope my poor baby isn't taken from me this early." her mother said above a whisper. From the looks of it, she wasn't taking this very well either. Her eyes were blood shot red from the river flowing out her eyes. "I need a minute" she said before rushing out the door.

Pulling a chair close to the bed, I sighed aloud, reaching out to hold her hand. It felt cold like it's been in a ice bucket for the last few hours. "Your my best friend and to this day it still hurts that we ended on a terrible note" I belted out, taking a deep breath to keep from breaking down. "I can't help but feel like this is my fault. If I hadn't have ignored you when you came to be about Samuel, this could've been prevented. If I'd never went behind your back and got with Julian, maybe things would be different"

"For God's sake, your on your death bed, I'm such a failure. I wanted us to talk again but not under these circumstances. I want you to remember that I will always love you and you will get through this...I'm trying so hard not to just break out crying but seeing you like this hurts me"

Maybe I'm losing it, but it felt like she gripped my hand in response. "It's so many things I've been wanting to tell you and it hurts to not be able to text , call on a daily basis."

Laying my head on the edge of the bed, I let the tears soak into the sheets. There wasn't anything else to do besides cry, it's the only thing that made sense. Hearing the door open, I instantly smelled the scent of Nathan's cologne. Feeling his arms around me, it only made me become more a wreck. "Your okay, it's gonna be okay"

"Do you see her" I questioned not really wanting an answer. "She can't even move, there's a eye patch over her left eye. I don't even recognize her"

We rocked back and forth, crying together. "I love you, big bro"

"I love you, lil sis"

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