12. Party Dramatics

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Hey Babes...😭
Back at it with another chapter..


         The atmosphere in the air is full of positive vibes

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The atmosphere in the air is full of positive vibes. We had won another game and we were one step closer to the playoffs, thing are becoming intense. To celebrate our victory we piled into Brent's truck and headed back to his house for a after party. After making a few calls this place was packed in no time.

Bobbing my head to the music, I watched from afar seeing Natalie bend over and started twerking. I bit my lip, breaking my neck to get a better view of the beautiful sight in front of me.

Clouding my vision, a figure stepped in front of me blocking my view. I met the gaze, meeting the eyes of a familiar face. Stepping back, I took a good look at her face, nodding my head in approval. Her dark drown hair was bone straight over her shoulders. Her light shade of pink eyeshadow , glistened in the dim lightning.

    "Ronnie right" I asked for clarification , hoping I pronounced it right

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"Ronnie right" I asked for clarification , hoping I pronounced it right. She nodded smiling, placing a hand on my shoulder. She steeped closely to me, standing on her tippy toes , her mouth dangerously close to my ear.

"Since your single now, we should hangout sometime, baby boy" Ronnie suggested tracing a finger down my chest. "Yes or no"

"I think I would like that" I responded.

Ronnie winked at me before walking towards her friends. I went in the kitchen, aiming to get another drink. I heard a few voices so it seemed occupied. Brent and Natalie stood throwing ice cubes at each other.

"Ah you got ice in my eye, dumbass" Natalie cringed pushing him away from her. He gave her a straight face, waving off her dramatics. "It's water, I don't why you closing your eye like it's gone burn"

She thought about it for a bit, her mouth formed an 'O' shape. "Oh yeah, I'm slow as hell" she said looking at an unamused Brent. "Don't act like when something gets in your eye, you don't immediately shut incase it make burn or something"

Brent flipped his dreads to the side, looking off to the side. "Whatever , you still looked stupid." He stuck his tongue out like a four year old proving a point.

They stopped all movements, seeing me standing on the sideline. I stepped further into the kitchen refilling my cup with the spiked fruit punch. "Hey Ju" Brent greeted me, flinging the melting ice cubes out his dreads.

"Wassup B" I replied back, leaning on the counter. "Hey Nat"

She waved and scrambled out the kitchen, back to the main area. Natalie has been dodging mean non stop since our lunch date. We were talking heavy on the phone and all, then the vibe was cut short. The mini conversation they would have is revolves around school mostly.

    Did I piss her off or something?

    "Oh! I forgot to mention that Laura's been looking for you man" I scrunched up my nose, curiosity. I didn't wanna be anywhere around that disgusting bitch and had no intention on being. She has been throwing plenty of shade my way but instead of entertaining it, I kept ignoring it. "The fuck she want"

        He shrugged pointing towards the pool area in the back. "She's been out there with Rebecca, she seemed really upset"

      "Thank for looking out"

    "No problem"

      I finished the cup, throwing back the last few drops for liquid courage. Sliding the patio door opened, I was greeted with her and a few other girls swimming around in the water. The fun stopped when Rebecca saw me and tapped Laura on the shoulder. Laura's facial expression turned sour, all the girls stampeded inside the house, towels wrapped tightly around themselves.

     "You've been looking for me" I started off the conversation. I sat on the beach chair , under the black umbrella. A slight breeze went by causing my curls to blow just a little. I would never understand how it's sleek cold outside and people still swam around likes it scorching hot outside.

         Laura blew out hair was now in its natural state, loose curls. Moving them out of her face, she pushed herself up at the end of the pool. She sat on the end , turning to fully face me, fiddling around with her fingers. That's something she usually did when she was nervous or guilty. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt both for all of her foul actions.

    "I don't want us to end off on a bad note" she started off, looking down. "What I did was extremely wrong and immature"

     "I don't expect your harsh emotions to just wash away over night or expect to get together any time soon. It might've not seemed like it sometimes but I really did care for you, Julian" she continued to confess, her frown getting deeper. My facial expression remained the same, emotionless. I was feeling millions of emotions but I wasn't dare gonna let her see me sweat.

         Rubbing my arms, I stood up, dusting off my pants. "I think I deserve this explanation, what did you plan on gaining from recording us fucking" I questioned, the one thought that's been weighing on my mind heavy.

Did she get off to me on certain things?

I totally understand, my stroke game is dangerous boy

I be in that bitch tearing up the pus-

     She sighed, her cheeks turning red out of embarrassment. "I was keeping them for memories I guess, it was a stupid thing that I found interesting. It made it more fun risking that this could get leaked at any time any place"

This bitch is crazy

I shifted my weight to the right leg, shaking the judging expression on my face. Taking a deep breath, I counted to ten, hoping to not come off rude. "No offense but whatever I do in the bedroom , stays in the bedroom." I replied harshly. "What if you posted that or leaked that shit, and I didn't give your permission."

"Do you know what I could do" I awaited her answer as she looked down at her bare feet in embarrassment.


I lifted up my right hand, cutting her off. "I could sue your dumbass"


"And another thing, stop throwing shade on social media like I'm the one that fucked up the relationship. People keep questioning me about it because you keep bringing it up" I paused taking a deep breath. "I really don't wanna expose the truth so cool that shit for me"

Not giving her room to utter another word, I stepped back inside the loud house, sliding patio door closed. Sitting on the couch pushed to the side of the enormous living room, my whole vibe vanished in a matter of minutes. Sipping the liquor in my cup, the emotions from everything started to settle in. Plenty thoughts of realization that my parents were officially splitting up soon, school work was slowly starting to pile up, and Laura just added another wrench to the madness.

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