3.Sneaking Out (Pt.2)

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      "Dammit" I hung on to the branch for dear life, feeling something scrap my leg

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"Dammit" I hung on to the branch for dear life, feeling something scrap my leg. My index finger hung on by a thread and soon enough, it slipped, sending me straight to the ground full of docs and twigs. "Owe" I groaned in pain, rubbing my head to make the soreness disappear.

Good thing I have a jacket on because this white tee would've been ruined.

Standing up, I walked to the end of the street, hoping no one who new me or my father passed by. Throwing the hoodie on my head, I stuffed my hands in the pockets, rocking back and forth. Seeing the black Nissan pull up, the window rolled down revealing Joseph in the drivers seat. Opening the passenger side of the door, I hopped in, putting on my seat belt. "What's up man" he greeted, giving me a dap. "I'm sorry but you looked like a homeless man on the street" he joked, hunched over in his seat laughing.

"Trynna figure out when his next meal gone be" Carter joined in the fun. "Ha ha very funny" I sarcastically said.

"Where the girls at" I questioned, referring to Laila and Jaylen.

"They still getting ready, they gon' meet us at the party" Owen chimed in.

   "Oh ok"

      The neighborhood wasn't far away from mine. The music was loud, being heard from down the street, the bass extremely high. Walking on the side walk, the closer we got, the stronger the weed became. Opening the front door, a cloud of smoke hit me in the face. I covered my mouth, trying to get myself from coughing. The living room was packed with a bunch of bodies, blowing smoke in each other's faces for fun. For the most part, the crowd seemed high.

          A boy came over with a case in his hand. I've seen him on campus a couple of times, never had a actual conversation. Opening the case, pre-rolled blunts were offered to us. I help myself to one, reaching in my pocket for a lighter. Taking a puff, I instantly felt on a planet.  Exhaling a cloud of smoke, I went outside on the balcony with the rest of the guys, sitting on one of the black, patio chairs.

"Shots anyone" a voice said, we looked up seeing Jaylen with a big bottle of tequila and Laila holding a tray full of shot glasses. Sitting it all in the mini table, they took a seat, with a wide smile. "I'm ready to get fucked up y'all" Laila yelled, digging through her purse.

     The shots were being poured by Owen, who was also passing them around. I hesitantly took the shot glass from him, practically throwing the whole glass in my mouth. The back of my throat burned, I stuck out my tongue at the disgusting taste. Tequila was one of my least favorite alcoholic drinks, yet I was always quick to taste it like it would taste different the next time.

     "Pour up another round"

The whole party was jumping, singing the lyrics to lil baby. The vibes are amazing and everyone seemed to be getting along really well. We all formed a circle, random people jumped in the middle putting on a show. Someone pushed me out on the floor alone. I stared in nervousness, not knowing what to do. Resulting in the best option, doing the hit them folks saved me the embarrassment. Being pushed to the side, Carter bumped me out the way doing the two step.

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