22. In a Tight Space (Pt.2)

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Y'all so violent in these comments. Y'all want Laila to get beat up so bad😂😂😂😂
Thank so much for supporting my book. I'm so glad that y'all like it, I enjoy reading the comments because y'all really crack me up💀.

Enjoy 👇🏽


      Thanksgiving break came off to a bad start, and having to explain the situation to my father made it ten times worse

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      Thanksgiving break came off to a bad start, and having to explain the situation to my father made it ten times worse. He knew Nathan well enough to know, he wouldn't fight me without a reason. I had done a good job of getting around telling him since he's more concerned about my well-being.

      That fight wasn't suppose to happen, I was simply coming over to dap him up. It didn't surprise me that Natalie spilled everything to him, they're close. It just irked me because after that game I had plans on talking to her and then the fight broke out. Thanksgiving has already passed and school would be started back up after this weekend. Seeing a black-eye in the mirror and my arm in a cast really irritates me. My face is still sore from all the constant punching but it's whatever.

Laila🤩: Wanna smoke with me later?

I stared at the message, coming up with an excuse in my head.

I'm hanging out with the fam today.. sorry

Ever since that night where we had sex, I've been avoiding her heavy. That one night ruined my relationship but I knew my feelings for Laila are there. Having sex with her just made them stronger and realistic. Seeing the smile , our conversations, and us just spending time together, it just attracted me to her even more.

Sitting on the couch with dad and Noah, we watched the game. Out the corner of my eye, Noah kept eyeing me, reaching up to touch my face, turning his head away in discuss. "Nathan really tore your ass up" he muttered , laughing to himself.

"Aye watch your mouth" dad caught wind of the comment.

Noah shrugged his little shoulders, still continuing to cackle on the end of the sofa. "I'm sorry but that ain't it, can I hear the story please" he begged, he's been asking me about it all week. "My brother is a punk" he mumbled to himself in shock. "We ain't related anymore bro, you giving the bros a bad rep".

"B-" hearing the front door unlock, we all turned to see who it is. The only other person that has a key is Neenan and we all got hype, running to the door. He came in, sitting down his suitcase as dad attacked him with a hug, twirling him around. "I missed your knuckle head ass", dad pulling back from him, clearing his throat like we all didn't see that.

    Noah jumped into his arms as Neenan happily picked him up. "What's poppin' little kid" he questioned, giving him a fist bump. "Still pulling the ladies" he smirked.

    Noah looked at him crazy. "Of course, don't ask no dumb mess like that" he said as Neenan just tried his whole existence. "I forgot to mention, Julian got his ass beat"

   "THE NEXT TIME YOU CURSE IM KICKING YO ASS" dad yelled from the kitchen, as Noah rolled her eyes. He ran upstairs with an attitude, mumbling. "Where he think I get it from" Neenan and I heard him say as he had his arms crossed, over the situation.

      Neenan took a long look at me, before shaking his head. Grabbing his suitcase, he took it up to his old room, and I followed behind him. Sitting on the full size bed, he patted a sit next to him, sighing heavy. "Nathan and Natalie told me what happened" he started off and I fell back on the bed, already knowing it's finna be some bullshit. "You need to tighten up quick and fast because this shit ain't it".

    "The fuck they running to you for , like you my dad or some shit" I wasn't a fan of that. If I wanted him to know, I would've told him. I just hope he keeps his mouth shut and not bring any of this up the dad. The playoffs are coming up and I didn't need anything in the way of that.

      "Nigga don't get your ass beat , again." He threatened, smacking me in the back of the head. "I leave for college and you start doing dumb shit."

   "You ain't even about the life you trynna live. At one point I couldn't pay you to smoke but your a stoner now, nigga please." He lectured, looking at me in disappointment. "Cheating on Natalie? C'mon bro you fucked up something good, that girl loved the hell outta you".

      I kept my focus on the trees outside the window. "'Natalie still loves me, imma get her back" I spoke confidently, not giving the statement a second thought. Natalie and I have something special and I'm not letting that go without a fight. Whether her brother liked it or not, I'm gonna be around regardless.

       "Natalie ain't no dumb bitch and the way you've been fucking, you'll be lucky if she gives you the time of day" , he made a good point, I didn't respond. We sat in silence for a good five minutes, listening to the sound of the wind blowing. The fall leaves were starting fall, leaving the trees bare. Although, things are bad right now, I'm sure with hard work and communication we'll be back on track. This was a slight wake up call, to get my shit together, hopefully it isn't to late.

     "Is it possible to have feelings for two people at the same time" Neenan side-eyed me, nodding his head.

     "It's possible, that's why you slept with ole' girl"

    "I got caught up in the moment. With Natalie and I in a bad space, I was vulnerable. Then again, I've been feeling Laila for some time now and it's getting worse."

   I'm in a tight space right now. I'm just hoping everything falls into place. "Well might as well move on to Laila because Nat isn't taking your sorry ass back" he spat, laying down, typing something on his phone. "Man, you fucked up terribly. Do you know how bad Nat is, I thought about risking it all for her", he  grinned like he's not having a whole simp session over my girlfriend.

    "Could you not talk about my girl like that" I huffed, trying to keep calm.

   "Your girl" he cackled, slapping his knee. "That's your ex, she is happily single".

       He wasn't lying, she has been happier than usual. If she wasn't hanging out with her new group of friends, she would be hanging out with, Aubrey , Jeremy and even Jaylen. Usually females would throw subs on their story posting tweets regarding their situation or how much they were heartbroken. She never posted anything about him, it's like she erased me from her life. While Natalie deleted all our pictures, I kept them up on my page.

       "I know she misses the kid" I said out loud mostly for myself.

    "I'm your dreams buddy"

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