Midoriya Izuku: Link

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Bruuuh I need the rain so bad. The heat is killing me. Seriously, I sweat bullets even when sitting down.

Anywho, here's a oneshot inspired by the movie Ready Player One. There might be some points or terms that are kinda off, so I apologize in advance to all the gamer readers out there
(;ŏ﹏ŏ). I just scraped up the bit of knowledge I had from reading/watching rpg genre anime, manga and webtoon.

There'll be some character references mentioned. Aaand, please read 'til the end for a smol surprise huehue~

A Midoriya Izuku x Reader. After getting indulged with playing a certain game, Izuku discovers something else other than playing!


"Hey, Midoriya, wanna join our party later? We're planning on hunting down a lot of monsters on this field we just unlocked!" Kaminari eagerly asked the green-haired male sitting peacefully on his desk.

Midoriya, startled, looked up from browsing through his list of quests. He rose a hand up to his head, sheepishly rubbing his curls.

"Sorry, Kaminari-kun, but I'll be doing some solo quests later," he answered. The opposite blonde frowned, but immediately grinned, patting Midoriya on his shoulder. He assured him that he's always welcome to join their party before he headed back to his group of friends, now intending to force Bakugou to play with them.

Midoriya sighed softly, his eyes glancing back down to his phone. Most of the quests he had for today was just slaying some monsters to reach a certain number, all of which would eventually lead to his avatar leveling up. There are also a couple of dungeon quests, but for now he had decided to steer clear of those places, since most of them require the player to either join a party or reach a certain level.

Worlds Conquest—it was a game which had been released a few years ago, and it was something that kids used to rave about. It was an online rpg where players get to venture out in different fields, defeat monsters, become characters of different classes, and level up.

It was your typical kind of rpg. But before, the game only had a total of two worlds, with four or five different fields, and a small choice of preset characters. It became popular especially to middle school students, but about a year later, it just. . . faded away. There was a rumor going around that the company who created Worlds Conquest might've gone bankrupt and shut down, but years later, the creators of the game announced its comeback—with brand new, major updates that would surely revive its popularity.

They weren't wrong. As soon as it was released, everyone became curious, lining up in different stores just to get their hands on a game that they thought had died out. A lot of changes had been made, alright. First, the addition of new worlds and fields, where some even had a kind of secret quest that would enable players to unlock it. The character and classes had been upgraded as well. Now, players could either choose from the widened selection of preset characters, create their own avatar using their own photo in real life, or just customize it however they like. Of course, some character skins still require a certain amount of gold, or could be acquired as an item drop in quests.

What had made the game much more fun and interesting, was the open interaction with other players. As soon as one logs in, they would first be transported in some sort of lobby, where they could see the other avatars, talk with them, or team up as a party or duo. A chat room had been added, so players could talk to each other, either in voice chat or just plain messaging.

As the game gains more and more popularity, the creators had also decided to add something else—a mobile version. Its features only include the open interaction, daily quests, map overview, and others, but players cannot play the game itself unless they already had the PC version. In this way, they could at least become connected with other people, check their statuses in the game, but limit themselves to only that so everyone could still get in touch with their lives when not playing.

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