Iida Tenya: Rabbit Apples and Children's Books

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I live for wholesome content huehue~

This was requested byy Hungry_Anxiety_child. I made some slight changes and added some random characters as the names of your siblings. Hope you like it!

An Iida Tenya x Reader. Every peculiarity has some kind of reason.


"(L/N). . . (L/N)?"

The whole classroom remained silent as the teacher awaited a response from the surname he just called out. Yet he didn't hear anything. He looked around, spotting the empty seat where the missing person was supposed to be.

"Absent again, huh?" He glanced back down on his attendance log, ticking off your name with a marked that indicated your absence.

"This is the fifth time she's not here. Does anyone know of her reason for absence?" He asked the class, to which he was again, responded with silence.

With a sigh, he went back to checking attendance. This is their last year in middle school, he thought. They shouldn't be slacking off at this time, especially now that they should be thinking of their future plans in high school.


Class finally ended, and everyone started to disperse. Meanwhile Iida Tenya, as he was on class duty for today, proceeded to do the after-school cleaning. While busy with wiping every desks, his eyes fell on one particular seat—a seat occupied with someone he actually knew, and the same person who had been missing in class for today.

"Oi, Iida," he snapped his head to the person who just called his name, responding to his classmate that was also on class duty.

"It's kinda strange to see you like that. What're you spacing out for?" He asked curiously.

Iida shook his head, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. The afternoon sun glinted against the lens, casting a glow over his eyes.

"I apologize. I was curious about something." He replied in his usual formal tone. His classmate quirked an eyebrow, as if he had assessed what was really going on with him.

"Something? Or maybe, someone?" He teased, the opposite male brushing it aside as he raised an arm in a scolding but robotic manner.

"We shouldn't be talking so casually and finish our duties as quick as possible!" He exclaimed, turning away and proceeding back to his chore of wiping the tables. Unaware from behind, his classmate shook his head in disbelief, carrying on with his own task of sweeping the floor.


It didn't took the two class duty students to finish everything they must do. And now, Iida was on his way back. He walked along a shopping district, thinking up a list of what he's going to do after he went home.

He passed by a quaint little bookstore and Iida halted in his steps, looking at the store's sign. Oh, I almost forgot. I needed a reference book for high school entrance exams.

Deciding to take a quick little detour, he walked inside the store. From the outside, the place looked small and cramp, but on the inside, it wasn't that small after all. The smell of new books wafted faintly as he walked through the aisles of neatly organized reading materials, letting himself take some time to indulge in something that he might take an interest to read.

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