25. Yall Just Kissed... (PT.2)

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Stretching out my arms, I looked out the window, seeing the street lights on. I hopped up, checking the time seeing it being close to eleven. Jumping up, I rushed to my drawer picking out a sweater type dress and some undergarments. Going in the bathroom, I stripped out of my clothes, and reached over the rub to turn on the hot water. Hopping inside I lathered up, smelling the fragrance of my Bath&Body works body wash.

Once the ten minutes were up, I stepped onto the towel laying on the floor and grabbed my towel off the hook. Wrapping it around my body, I started doing my face routine for the night. It's a habit of mine to cleanse my face at least two times a day, it just made me feel cleaner before going to bed and waking up in the morning.

"THEY'RE HERE" Nathan yelled as I froze in the bathroom. I shook my head trying to figure out how I'm late to my own gathering. "IM COMING IN A SECOND" I yelled back, hearing their voices from downstairs.

I put on my clothes and then went back to the room, putting everything in the rightful position. Rushing downstairs, my friends sat on the couch with a plate of cookies that Louis brought over. "Hey everyone" I greeted, giving them all a hug.

"What were you doing" Aubrey questioned as she munched on another cookie. "Oh, and homeboy can bake really well" she said with a mouthful, smiling in satisfaction.

"I woke up late" I admitted as everyone groaned in response. "This girl always sleep somewhere" Nadia said as Aubrey agreed, humming a reply.

"Y'all not finna jump on me though" I said sticking up the middle finger. "A bitch needed her beauty sleep".

Jeremy scoffed. "Yet somehow you still wake up looking like a witch", he insulted as I picked up one of the pillows off the sofa and threw it at him. He caught the pillow before it could hit him in the face, laughing at me. "Haha".

"You really irk my soul" I squinted my eyes, trying to find something else to throw at him. My eyes landed on one of my shoes on the ground, it held some weight so I threw it, watching it strike him in the head. Jumping up and down, I laughed. "Haha" , I mocked him, smirking as he held the side of his head in pain.

"Y'all are so childish" Nathan mumbled as everyone agreed with him.

I frowned. "He should've never started with me."

Going in the kitchen, I went in the refrigerator, taking out the sparkling cider. I splurged in five different bottles of red grape and white grape, those were the only flavors I drank. Sitting them on the counter, I went in the cabinet taking out enough glasses for us and my parents. On cue, mom and Luke came downstairs, talking about something. In the moment, I took a chance to admire them, they were so happy together.

I was thankful for Luke even though, I wasn't a fan on him at first. He ended up being a great addition to the family and actually brought us back together. He played a part in fixing my mother and I would always be grateful for that. On top of that, he played a father figure, something that my biological father never did.

"EVERYONE COME IN HERE" they all piled in as I presented the options. I passed around the glasses, pointing to the two bottles. "Pick your poisons"

"She talking like we finna get drunk off this shit" Luke joked, grabbing his glass off the counter.

"We're gonna get drunk in the spirit" I cheered, earning laughs from everyone else. Once I grabbed my glass, I went on the balcony, checking the time. The clock had currently read , 11:58 p.m., soon the others joined me, sipping on their cider. I leaned against the rail, looking at the stars in the sky, watching how they glistened. Feeling a presence near me, I looked seeing Louis who's already smiling down at me.

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