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Trigger warning; suicide.

•Vic Pov•

I woke up screaming loudly. My mouth was dry and my throat was sore. I was drenched in sweat, my breathing was uneven and my heart felt empty. I looked to my side at the empty spot in the bed as the tears trailed down my face. I sighed as violent sobs escaped my lips. I couldn't help the sobs that escaped, I couldn't help the muffled out screams that were somewhat blocked by my pillow.

Do you know those types of cries where you can't stop screaming and you can't breathe yet it feels like too much air is filling your lungs? The ones that give you a migraine and leave you shaking even long after you've cried all you could. That's what it felt like, but worst. I sat on the bed, tears falling freely everywhere, my eyes bloodshot and closed. Then all the memories came back. The bad ones.


"I'm sorry Kellin Quinn, you have aids." the doctor spoke.

"H-how? I've only ever had sex with my husband and he's clean!" Kellin yelled.

"Well, there has to have been some other form of sexual activity that has occurred for you to get it." the doctor said.

That was when realization hit in. When Craig tried raping him.
"Vic, you know I love you right?" Kellin asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You also know how I love Copeland and Nathan, right?" Kellin asked as I nodded.

"We need to tell them before I'm gone." Kellin said.

So we did. We told them. They were 17 year olds so they completely understood. They cried, they cried and cried and didn't stop until later that day.


June 12, 2015 he left. He couldn't handle the pain and everything else, so he gave up. He died in his sleep and in my arms. I had him cremated and went through the ceremonial thing he wanted me to do. Actually, it wasn't ceremonial, it was just what he wanted me to do after he was cremated. I took his ashes and went to 'the tree' we hung out. The one where we got together. I spread his ashes there.

Sure these were the bad, however there were some good ones. Amazing ones I'd never forget.


"Vic stop it! St-op!" he laughed loudly. I kept tickling him over and over.

"Why?" I asked playfully.

"Because I have important news." he said. I stopped tickling him as he sat up. He looked me deep in the eye and spoke. "I love you."


"Vic, I'm ready." he said.

"I know you are. Come on let's go on that date." I said as I stood up.

"No, not like that. I'm ready. As in I want to lose my virginity to you." he said.

So he did.


"Do you, Kellin Quinn accept this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked.

"I do." he said as he slipped the ring on my finger. I grabbed the other ring and looked Kellin in the eyes.

"Victor Fuentes, do you accept this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."


"I know they're a bit older, but this is foster care after all. I feel they deserve a loving home, so we're fostering two kids. A boy and a girl." Kellin spoke as we walked to the right room. There stood a boy and a girl.

"Hi, I'm Copeland and this is Nathan." the girl said.


'Vic, the kids are all gone, and it's been 5 months since Kellin left.' I thought to myself.

It was true. The kids were long gone by the time Kellin had actually died. It's been 5 months and I've been here all alone. I started playing our song.  'Angel Baby' by Rosie and the Originals started quietly playing, instantly reminding me of Kellin and my first dance ever.

I bent down and grabbed the box under my bed. I carefully removed the led and grabbed the shiny pistol. I removed the safety and loaded it. I spun the barrel and aimed it at my temple, a huge smile creeping on my face.

"Please never leave me, blue and alone. If you ever go, I'm sure you'll come back home." I sang quietly. I pulled the trigger and soon everything turned black.


Sorry to make it sad. Feeling kind of down lately. Really lonely, but I'm all good.

Didn't proofread.


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