Chapter 44

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TW: Death, Grief, Military Funeral, Refusing to Eat, Emotional Logan

Two Years Ago

It had been a good day. Patton, Roman, and Logan had all scored B's or better on their chemistry test thanks to Logan forcing them all to study. Roman had once again scored a leading role in the school musical. And Patton had been able to convince his parents to let him skip church that weekend so he could go to a birthday party for Logan's father, who would be flying back in a few nights. It would be the first time Logan and his mother saw him in person since the summer of last year, and Logan was excited. 

Now, the three friends were at Logan's house making cookies for the party. they had chosen Logan's house because Patton's parents would throw a fit if they knew this and if they mad cookies at Roman's house than his siblings would eat them all. Patton laughed as Logan once again struggled to knee the cookie dough, and reached over to help his friend. Roman, was playing the soundtrack to the musical while he began scrubbing dirty dishes. A cool breeze blew into the house through the open windows. It had been a good day.

Someone knocked at the doorbell, the knocks were neat and precise, "Roman, would you mind getting that?" Logan asked, "Patton and I are covered in twice the amount of flour than you are"

Roman nodded as he left the sink full of soap suds and wiped his hands on his shirt. He still smiled as the sounds of Little Shop of Horrors grew distant and faint. The oven beeped and the other two friends placed the now full cookie trays into the oven. Patton laughed at a joke Logan had told and Logan smiled back as he filled a few glasses with lemonade, and tried to work up the courage to ask Patton on a date. Down the hall, the door finally opened.

"Is this the Eros residence?" One of the two men asked. They stood in uniform, side by side, they held their hats under their arms and stood with straight backs.

"Oh, are your friends of Mr. Eros? He doesn't get here till Friday." Roman replied

One of the men nodded, "Actually we are here to speak to a Lydia Berry and her son?"

"Mrs. Berry isn't here, but her son is. Would you like to come inside?" Roman asked as he stepped aside. The men looked at each other before one pulled out a paper, they looked back at each other and nodded before stepping inside the house. Roman led the way down the hall, the kitchen filled with Patton's excited chatter, "Logan, some people want to speak to you." Roman said to his friend. 

Logan looked towards Roman, his gaze falling on the two men. He took in the uniforms they wore. He took in their stoic faces where only their eyes showed the truth, their rigid, uncomfortable stances. He took in the hats that were folded neatly under their arm, and the manilla envelope, he took in the extra hat one of them held. Airforce. And with all the color draining from his face, Logan dropped his cup of lemonade, and he fell.

The sound of shattering glass was all he could hear as the purpose of the men's arrival overwhelmed him. "Logan!" Patton and Roman called as they rushed to their best friends side. Immediately noticing the silent tears that fell from his eyes and stained his face. Neither had ever seen Logan cry, though he had seen them both cry multiple times. 

"We regret to inform you, and your family, of the death of Jason Eros. Who lost his life proudly serving for his country..." Logan didn't hear it. Every single word was muffled as a piece of him was ripped out and stomped on. Why was this happening? This- this couldn't be happening. Jason was a good man! He was a great father and husband! It was his birthday on Sunday. This, shouldn't be happening! And yet it was. And yet it had.

Logan felt arms wrap around him, he felt Patton pulling him towards him, and Roman was picking up the glass carefully. The men still stood in the kitchen, they needed a response from Logan, someone needed to inform the veteran's wife. Logan looked up from the white tile where his gaze had uselessly fallen and up at the two men in uniform, "Why?" he asked them.

We Can be Heroes {Sanders Sides Superhero AU}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang