Chapter 1

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Five years later...

The park was crowded, it was an amazing and beautiful day out. The sun beamed down brightly on the people below it. The wind blew and created a wonderful cool breeze. It kept a kite from falling and caused the grass to dance. The clouds were puffy and white, people all over the park stared at them and pointed as they tried to make shapes out of them. Children screamed with joy as they ran from each other. Couples watched each other with love in their eyes. It was one of those moments in life that was considered perfect.

Sitting around a circle table, sat three young men. In the center of the table was a large pizza they had bought from a food truck that sat on the corner of the street. "Well, I rather enjoyed the movie. It was very educational" One of them said, as he wiped his glasses clean before putting them back on. He was the tallest in the group, but only by about an inch or so. His straight black hair had been neatly combed and split down the middle. His green eyes now once again sitting behind his black glasses. They were thin but still carried some muscle, and their skin was paler than their friends.

"See Logan, even nerds like you can enjoy Disney movies" Another replied, his hair was brown, with a bit reddish tint. It was slightly curly and would be more obvious if his hair was longer. Instead, it was only slightly longer than Logans and not as neatly combed. It blew loosely with the wind. This young man was the second tallest in the group and had a more athletic body type than the other two. He had brown eyes and tan skin, both being obvious hints towards his Latino descent.

"Roman," the last one, Patton, said, "don't be mean," he bounced forward a little, his gold and circle framed glasses sliding away from his face slightly. Patton was the shortest among them, he was slightly chubby but it gave him a cute look. His hair was blonde and long, it came down in tight curls. Two pink hair-clips pinned the back behind his ears. Freckles were spread widely all over his face. He had bright blue eyes and a wide smile that seemed almost permanent. 

"I'm not mean. Villains are mean. I am not a villain" Roman said, putting a hand to his chest as he spoke. A smile planted on his lips as he and Logan followed Patton's lead and picked up a slice of pizza. Each of them taking a moment to enjoy the taste of melted cheese and tomato sauce. The conversation between the friends continued. 

Suddenly the perfectness of the day was interrupted by a loud explosion and the alarm from the bank on the other side of the park. The three of them jumped and turned to the bank. It took less than a second for all of them to jump to their feet and make their way towards the building. In one hand Roman held a backpack and quickly unloaded everything inside, a smile on his face "I told you bringing the suits was a good idea" he said as he tossed something to each of the boys next to him.

Logans hit him in the face and causing him to stumble as he pulled it away from him. He shot Roman a glare before speaking, "How were we supposed to know someone was planning on robbing a bank today?" Patton pushed the others into a bathroom and they quickly began to change, stuffing the clothes back in Roman's bag before hiding it in one of the stalls.

Roman wore a mostly white costume that covered most of his body. Red gloves came up to his elbows. His pants were white from the knee up but below that it was also red, he wore his regular sneakers. A thick red stripe that resembled a sash. The costume had golden accents along the sash and gloves, as well as golden shoulder pads and tassels. His mask was a red masquerade mask, the edges outlined with golden glitter. 

Patton's outfit was a light blue, with a short gray capelet hanging by his shoulders. Just like Roman's, everything past the elbows and knees was a different color, for him it was a dark blue. A dark blue heart was on his chest, the center of which had a smiley face on it in the lighter blue. The capelet came down to half-way past his back. The word Ambrosia was written in cursive embroidery on the bottom of which, Patton's hero name. His mask was heart-shaped and light blue the edges were dark blue, his glasses poked out of the eye holes.

We Can be Heroes {Sanders Sides Superhero AU}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant