Chapter 79

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TW: Unintentionally Harming Others, Mentions of Roman's past, Fear of Being Touched, Vomit, Death, Blood, Anxiety, Deceit, Remus, Evil Remy

Sorry, It's been a little late these past few updates. I'm reading Anxceit fanfiction to 'study' and keep getting lost in them

Day Three | Sunday | August 21st

Virgil walked back into the house with very little of his smoothie remaining. He had to be honest, the smoothie was much easier to keep down than anything else he had eaten since he read that letter. Deceit had seemed glad that he was eating, sitting with him in the restaurant had been slightly awkward and nerve-racking but he thought he did okay. Virgil could always tell if he said the right thing by looking at Deceit's face. If he said the right thing, he would smile and sometimes nod. If not then he'd frown at him, sometimes even glare, his eye would start glowing. There, unfortunately, were a few times where Virgil didn't know, where Deceit's face wouldn't tell him which would make him nervous. 

When they arrived back Virgil wanted to run downstairs and go make sure the others were okay but before he had even fully gotten into the house Remus had thrown his arms around him tightly. The plastic cup in Virgil's hands bent slightly out of shape as he tried to pull out of the hug, he had already given one of these monsters a hug he didn't want another from them. "Remus, leave him be. You're not scaring him" Deceit said as he gently pulled Remus off of Virgil. 

"Aw, but I miss the hugs from our Virgie" Remus said with a pout. Virgil resisted the urge to tell him not to call him 'Virgie'.

Deceit just laughed lightly at him before going to the kitchen and got started putting away the groceries. Virgil sat down in the seat across fro Remy as he finished the last bit of his smoothie. "What did you do?" Remy asked him as he tilted his head down at him slightly.

"Nothing," Virgil said with a shrug.

"Bitch you ain't no Deceit so spill"

Virgil sighed as he leaned back in his chair, "I had an anxiety attack in the store, Dee helped me through it and then told me to go pick out some movies," Virgil explained while he fiddled with his straw, "He wants things to go back to normal"

"That what you want?"

Virgil shrugged, "New normals are good to" he mumbled before getting up and throwing his cup out. He chewed on his lip slightly as he glanced over at the door to the basement, "Can-can I make them some sandwiches?" he asked quietly. Remus and Deceit both stopped talking, glancing at each other for a moment before eventually nodding to him. He celebrated silently as he moved around the kitchen to make the food for the others. When he was done Remus unlocked the door for him using his set of keys and Virgil carefully made his way down the steps. "Gu-guys? I brought you some foo-food"

Virgil looked up at his friends nervously, Roman was in tears as Patton stood in front of him trying to guide him through what looked like a panic attack. Logan was staring off slightly to the right of them. "Hey kiddo," Patton greeted, "Look guys Virgil is here," he said as though he was speaking to children instead of adults. The others turned towards him as he sat down on the ground. "You brought us sandwiches? Thanks, kiddo."

Virgil nodded as he passed them out, "Pea-peanut butter and crofters." he said with a small and forced smile. Patton accepted it, offering one of his own. Logan looked down at the food in front of him but didn't try and eat it yet. Virgil glanced at Roman, he was staring at him with some confusion, "I brought wat-water bottles too. He-here." Patton took the water bottles and passed them out, opening them for the other two as he did.

Virgil's eyes drifted back and forth between the other two, "They're okay kiddo. It's just been a rough couple of days... how are you doing though? Are you eating? You need to be eating okay Virgil?"

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