Chapter 39

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TW: Cancer, Homophobia

Day Fifty-Two | Sunday | April 30th

Virgil was still laying on the couch the next morning, his face no longer holding the calm expression it had had the night before. Instead, his brow was twisted into one of fear and nervousness, his breathing came out slightly labored, and a few drops of sweat had formed on his forehead. He was trapped in a nightmare and no matter how hard he fought whatever imaginary monster he was dreaming of, it did no use.

And then, with a loud Clang, Virgil shot upward, a buzz of electricity caused him to yell a bit and fall off the couch, he quickly shot to his feet, cradling his arm. "Wow, those are some fight or flight reflexes," Roman said from the kitchen.

Virgil jumped at his voice but after a moment was able to calm himself, "W-what happened?" He asked, slightly embarrassed at his reaction.

"I dropped a pan," Roman said as he bent down to pick up the fallen cooking item, "You doing alright?"

Virgil nodded, "Bad dream" he mumbled, still holding his arm.

Roman nodded, "Want some eggs? I was making eggs." He offered, he knew Virgil well enough to know that he didn't like talking about his nightmares. So even if he was curious he didn't question him, and instead, he watched Virgil nod and mutter a quiet 'thank you' before slowly walking up to the kitchen. Roman cracked a few more eggs into a bowl, adding a few more ingredients, and began mixing the liquid and spices together.

"Sorry," Roman heard Virgil mutter. 

Roman looked up curiously, "For what?" he asked.

Virgil shrugged, "Falling asleep during your movie and trying to use my powers again"

Roman tried not to sigh, "It's fine. I fell asleep in your bed so I can't really get mad. Here, whisk" Roman said as he handed Virgil the small bowl and the fork he was using to stir

'It's not my bed'  Virgil thought as he took the bowl and began stirring.

Roman was facing the stove, chopped bacon slices began to pour into a pan and the sound of bacon frying rang through the kitchen, "Hey I got a question about your powers" Roman said as he used a spatula to move the bacon. Virgil nodded for him to continue, "Are your powers stronger at night? Or when it's really dark?"

Virgil shook his head, "They're not stronger, but it is easier" Virgil muttered

Roman nodded, gently taking the eggs and pouring the yolk into the pan, more popping sounds. Virgil was acting weird today, extra quiet and shy. Was it because of his dream? Or because of the anxiety attack yesterday? "Are they hard to control?" Roman asked Virgil looked nervous, "Like I can't control wind very well. It's too flimsy, I can't get a good grasp on it"

Virgil nodded slowly, "They can be, it depends. My powers are complicated, and there's a lot to factor in when it comes to difficulty"

"Like what?" Roman asked as he poked the food around the pan.

"How big they are and if they have a form mostly. I can do a lot with them so it's hard to explain." Virgil looked down at his hands nervously. They hadn't really talked about Virgil's powers, it had never been on the top of the priority list since he couldn't use them. He had been grateful for this, especially considering his powers had always been more of a burden than a gift. 

Roman slid a plate in front of him, pulling Virgil away from his thoughts, "Okay, thanks for sharing" Roman said as he began to eat from his own plate. Virgil nodded quietly

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