Chapter 18

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TW: Car accidents, Blood, Fire.

Day Twenty-Two | Friday | March 30th

Neither Logan or Roman were supposed to be on the freeway that day. But the hardware store they usually went to was closed so they had to go to the one in the city over, and it was easier to get there taking the freeway than it was taking the backroads. Logan was complaining about work. He didn't normally complain about work so Roman let him have as much time as he needed to let out his anger. "... I just don't understand how people could be so rude to-"

"Holy shit!" Roman yelled suddenly slamming on the breaks and swerving to a stop as the accident in front of them took place. Roman and Logan flew forward before their seatbelts pulled them back.

Logan picked his glasses up from the floor of the car before looking at the accident. The truck was tipped over, the bus had a large dent on it where it had been hit. One of the cars had been hit in every direction except behind and that was only due to Roman being able to stop in time. "According to the phone calls I can hear, it is going to take a while for first responders to arrive," Logan said

"We don't have our suits" Roman said before shaking his head, "Look for something to cover your face with," he told Logan before they looked around in the front and back seats for anything useful.

Logan picked up the masks Patton had made for daycare, "Which animal would you prefer to be?" Logan asked Roman.

A moment later each of them jumped out of the car, Logan wore the mouse mask Patton had made, while Roman wore the lion mask that Virgil had made. "Roman you put out the fire before it can spread" Logan instructed

"Got it, you should make a barricade with the cars behind us so nobody else comes in, we can move it when first responders arrive," Roman told him. With a nod, each of them went to complete the actions the other had given them. Romans's hand began to fill with water and he launched it at one of the burnings vehicles. Inside the vehicles, people were screaming.  It hurt slightly to not have immediately gone to help them, but what if a car blew up? This was the safest option.

As soon as the first car had been put out Roman ran to the door on the driver's side, "Ma'am, can you hear me?" He asked the lady, she nodded weekly, then pointed to her son in the back seat. The boy couldn't have been older than three or four and he was crying. He had blood on him from where the window had broken and cut him. "Ma'am, can you move?" The lady tried to move, her face contorting into one filled with pain but she continued to move until she opened her door. Roman opened the back door and with some help from the mother was able to help the son out of his car seat. Roman led her and her son to the now finished barricade. "Stay on this side of the car ma'am that way first responders can find you and your son when they arrive." The lady nodded and Roman turned back to the accident.

"Sir, you have just been in a car accident, are you and your wife able to move?" Logan asked the elderly couple in the car.

"My wife is handicapped, her wheelchair is in the back. I think I can move but I may need some assistance" The man said, "After helping us you should go to the school bus, there were children inside"

Logan nodded as he moved towards and spotted a bumper stick announcing that at least one of the people in the car had been first responders in the past. Logan took out the wheelchair, quickly unfolding it and setting it up. The lady woke in time to make it easier for Logan to get her in the chair. Roman came and helped the elderly man walk. "Were you or your wife first responders?"

The man nodded, "I was a firefighter, she was a police officer" He said as Roman carefully set him down on the ground.

Roman and Logan continued to pull cars away from each other and pull anybody who could move on their own out of the car. Those who said they couldn't move were left alone with the promise of emergency responders arriving soon. Roman and Logan knew better than to move them if they couldn't do it themselves if they had it might only cause more damage. So that was left to the professionals. The bus was the hardest to evacuate, so many of the kids were at various levels of panic.

We Can be Heroes {Sanders Sides Superhero AU}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora