Chapter 26

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TW: Anxiety, Being Trapped

Day Thirty-Seven | Saturday | April 15th (This is the same day it has been for two chapters.)

Roman and Virgil were still under the shield he had created. "I don't think your parents liked what you said too much Virgil" Roman said as he let go of Virgil, but kept the shield up. 

"I'm sorry," Virgil said

"We'll talk about it later, but for now just follow my directions," Roman asked, "The tree is still on us, see the leaves?"

"Barely, it's dark in here"

"Exactly.  So get out your phone and turn on the flashlight. I need to know how much of the tree is still on us. If it's mostly leaves than I might be able to get it myself. And if it isn't I'll have to call Logan and Patton to come to get us." As Roman spoke Virgil took out his phone and did as he was told. Roman fell silent as he tried to determine whether or not it would be safe to move the tree

"Can you get it?" Virgil asked after a while

Roman nodded, "I think so, I'm gonna try" Roman took a deep breath before trying to focus on manipulating the tree branches. Above them, the tree began to move, twisting around the red bubble, it became brighter for a second before he felt a wave of nausea go through him and he stopped. "Damn it" he mumbled

"What's wrong?" Virgil asked

Roman shook his head, "If I keep trying to use both my powers at once I'm going to pass out and the force-fields going to break. I'm going to need to call Patton and Logan," Roman reached for his phone, "Don't say anything got it?"  Virgil nodded


Logan and Patton were watching the storm for any signs of it slowing down when the exact opposite happened. They had decided to finish their drinks and leave in case it got any worse when Logan's phone rang, "Roman, Patton, and I were just about to come back." Logan said

"Great, can you do me a favor and come pull a tree off me and Virgil?" Roman asked

"How did a tree get into our apartment?" Patton asked, Roman had been put on speakerphone.

"We're not in the apartment. We're at the park. Lightning hit a tree and we got pinned. We're safe under my force-field, but I can't move the tree myself and I have no idea how long I can keep this shield up" 

"Why are you in the park?" Logan asked as he placed a few dollar bills on the table and motioned for Patton to put his jacket on.

"I'll explain it all later can you just hurry?" Roman said his voice sounding urgent. 

"We're on our way. It might take a few minutes though, how long do you think you can hold it?" Patton asked as they moved towards the door

There was a pause, "I'd say you have anywhere from five to fifteen minutes." Roman decided, "I'm sorry for what I said, Pat. I wasn't thinking"

Patton smiled a little, "It's okay. We'll see you soon, try and hold up." Roman hung up a moment later and Logan and Patton hurried towards the park.


Roman sighed as he hung up, turning his flashlight on and placing it next to Virgil's. They were still on the picnic table, Roman was starting to rethink climbing up here. "So you can manipulate storms? That would've been nice to know" Roman said

Virgil shook his head, " I can't manipulate storms. Just shadows. Besides even if I could, I can't do anything with this cuff" Virgil pulled his legs up into his chest in an effort to get warmer

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