Chapter 42

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TW: Implied abuse, Bullying

Day Sixty | Saturday | May 8th

"...they still did bad things, but they always told me what they did was for good. That they  were the superheroes. I believed them, because I wanted to believe them. I didn't figure out the truth until I was like fourteen and- and I-I saw something I shouldn't- wasn't supposed to see." Virgil paused for a moment.

Slowly he continued, "I was scared, and it didn't take long for Remus to realize, than they started acting different and I got even more scared. I-I thought th-that maybe if I did wh-what they told me, than things w-would go back to normal, or get better. They didn't though, and instead they just wanted me to do worse and worse things that I didn't want to do and when I didn't do them they'd get mad again and it would just make the scenario worse and... people would get hurt."

Virgil finished there, unable to go on or explain what he meant. It seemed like enough for the others to, nervous glances had been sent towards Roman a few times but the actor either didn't notice or ignored them. The whole time his gaze never left Virgil, when the other finally finished speaking Roman looked back at Logan and Patton to see their reactions. "Thank you for sharing this with us Virgil, It couldn't have been easy" Logan said slowly. Virgil nodded again and pulled his hands away from Roman and Patton. "This may actually help us, do you know how to access any of your old records as a foster kid?" Logan asked

Virgil shook his head, "I'm over eighteen, it'd be hard for you to find any of my old foster records. Why?"

"The system would not allow just anyone to foster and a adopt child, especially one who has a history such as yours. Your records would also have a link to the records of your adoptive parents, in this case being Deceit and Remus, that information could come in helpful" Logan explained slowly.

"Well, it'd be hard to find any of my foster records. I'm over eighteen, I got adopted, and Deceit is really good about making sure our real names stay off the internet. Any digital files would be nearly impossible to access" Virgil said, he felt useless as he tore down Logan's plan.

Logan shook his head, "Not to worry, do you have any physical records? Perhaps something prior to your adoption?"

Virgil nodded, "Uh, yeah actually. My social worker gave us a huge folder full of papers, but I don't have it with me. I- I was kinda hoping I'd never have to tell you about my parents or my adoption."

"Meaning this folder is..." Logan trailed off and Patton finished

"In your old house?"

Virgil nodded, "It's in a box in my closet, with a bunch of other old stuff I didn't want to get rid of."

"Well there goes that plan" Roman muttered, he stood up off the ground as he began pacing the living room.

Logan tilted his head slightly, "Why would this piece of information constitute needing a new plan?" Logan asked as he looked at Roman

Roman stopped pacing before looking at Logan, surprised, "Because the papers you need are in a house that two super villains are in" Roman said, waving his hand slightly to get his point across

"You have entered the house before have you not?" Logan said, though he already knew the answer

"Y-yeah but Deceit and Remus were in another state and we know what we know now. Going there would be suicide" Roman said. Was Logan seriously suggesting they enter the house of two well known, and powerful super villains? Was he expecting them to knock on the door too? Should Virgil just walk in grab the folder and walk out? That wasn't exactly how these scenarios worked, didn't he understand that?

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