Chapter 27

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Fun Warning: There will be puns :P

Day Thirty-Eight | Sunday | April 16th | Easter

"Virgil?" Roman asked from the doorway, "You okay? Logan said that you had an anxiety attack after I passed out."

Virgil nodded but didn't look away from his sketchbook, "I'm okay. Are you?"

"I feel like sleeping beauty. I slept for so long, and overdoing it with my powers was my curse" Roman said, he smiled at the reference but Virgil didn't react to it, "I'm fine too"

"I'm sorry," Virgil said,

"For what?" 

"You told me to stop yelling and I didn't. You wanted to go but I didn't move" 

"Virgil, you were just doing what you were told. We were having fun with a stupid bet." Roman said, "When thunder sounded you got excited, I understand why."

"But I-" Virgil began

"But you wanted to talk to your parents. Who could blame you?" 

"I let you pass out"

Roman shook his head, "There was nothing you or anybody else could have done to prevent that. Not Logan. Not Patton. Not anybody I didn't pass out because I was hurt, I passed out because I pushed myself too far."

"I'm sorry"

"You need to stop blaming yourself and saying sorry for things that aren't your fault." Roman said, "Now come one, I took your idea about the egg painting and I need help setting up before Patton see's"

Roman gently pulled Virgil off the bed, "Roman-"

"Doing something fun is good for you." Roman said, "And I never really painted eggs so I need help" Virgil sighed in defeat as he let Roman drag him into the kitchen and towards the table where Roman had set of bags filled with egg painting supplies. Roman started unloading bags, Virgil watched for a second before he began helping him place things on the table and set up paint. "Alright let's get started," Roman said, he opened the box of eggs and was about ready to call for Patton and Logan when Virgil stopped him.

"Unless you want to eat raw eggs than you need to hard boil them first."

Roman sighed dramatically "Fine!" He put some water to boil and smiled, "I haven't made easter eggs like this since I was five"

"I made them until I was twelve," Virgil said, he tapped his fingers on the table.

"Why'd you stop?"

"What do you mean why'd I stop," Virgil asked

"Well, my family never really liked it, and with five kids things were really expensive. So we stopped." Roman sat down as he spoke "But you kept doing it, even without your family. What happened?"

Virgil stared at his hands, he was silent for a moment, "Just grew up I guess" He put his hands in his pockets.

"Being mysterious again I see?" Roman asked, Virgil, glanced at him, "That's fine if you don't want too. But you don't have to hide it."

'Yes. I do.'  Virgil thought 'You already hate me. If I told you what happened it would make it all worse.' Virgil nodded though. "I'll try." A few minutes later the hard-boiled eggs had been set back in the cardboard holder and set them on the table. They had set the last of the paints just as Logan came through the front door.

"What is this for?" Logan asked as he stared at the eggs

"It's for Patton, you told me to make it up to him."

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