Chapter 82

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TW: Nightmare, Deceit, Remus,  Anxiety, Abuse, Passing Out, 

Day Seven | Thursday | August 25th

Virgil's face was twisted with an expression that showed pain, discomfort, and fear. His fingers dug deep into his hands, cutting through a thin layer of skin as drops of blood leaked onto his bed. His breathing was uneven and shallow as he softly called Roman's name into the dimly lit room. He shifted on the bed, his body becoming tangled in the sheets making him feel trapped and even more panicked. 

He whined slightly as his dream began to worsen, his breath picked up and turned into choked sobs. Tears refused to form as sweat began to wet his brow. His chest felt tight as his heart seemed to swell and beat harder. He was helpless as he stayed trapped in the growing nightmare. His limbs fought to free themselves but only succeeded in further trapping himself and causing his voice to grow louder as he called for Roman, pleading for his prince to come to his rescue.

He didn't notice as Remy let himself into the room, sighing at the sleeping and struggling boy.  He shook his head slightly and snapped his fingers, dust flew from his hand and gently landed on Virgil. A few moments passed before Virgil peeled his eyes open and attempted to get a hold of himself. "Hey Anx," Remy said as he slowly approached the bed, "I guess I don't need to ask how you slept, do I?"

Virgil sat up in the bed, knee's drawn up and arms wrapped around himself as he leaned against the wall and shook his head, "I-I want to see Ro-roman, please?" Virgil hadn't seen the others since Remus escorted him down. He was worried about them, he wanted to see them. Just seeing them would calm him, and holding Roman's hand... he wanted Roman to hold him close and tell him everything was going to be okay. He wanted to bake cookies with Patton and laugh at his jokes which never failed to make him feel better. He wanted to talk about books with Logan and argue about the intelligence of the human race. He wanted to escape

Remy sighed as he shook his head with sympathy, "That's not up to me Anx," Remy said to him with a frown "You should get up, there's a smoothie for you in the fridge." He paused as he tapped his fingers on his own leg, "And Remus and Deceit need to talk to you. I'll see you in a bit, 'kay?"

Virgil nodded as Remy stood up and moved towards the door, "Thanks Rem," Remy nodded in response as he closed the door behind him. Virgil sighed as he shifted on the bed to look out the barred window. The extra copies of the keys were hidden in the floorboards beneath him, waiting for him to move on with the plan. He wiped his sleeve across his face, there were no tears but the bags under his eyes had grown in the last week. 

Eventually, he stood up, digging clothes out of his closet before heading towards the bathroom to take a shower. He wanted to stall whatever conversation Deceit and Remus were going to have with him for as long as possible. He turned the knob all the way around, the water set to the hottest setting. The room quickly filled with a thick cloud of steam that made the air hard to breathe. He slowly undressed, letting his clothes fall to the floor as he stepped into the burning liquid. He allowed his mind to slip away from himself as he bathed. His hair began to look more like a mop with fading purple colors. His body tensed as the water burned at his skin, turning it red and hot. He didn't turn down the temperature though. He stayed like that, lost in thought while his skin burned red.

A few minutes later he pulled himself out, turning the knob until it reached the off setting. Leftover water drops fell and raced to join the rest of the water down the drain. Steam began to clear as the fan sucked it all away. He dried himself off and dressed, he used a towel to dry out his hair. The friction made his hair messy and untamed. For a moment he considered not brushing it but then sighed as he quickly pulled a comb through the mess. Virgil took one last glance in the mirror, his bags from lack of sleep were still as present as ever and made his way out of the bathroom. On his way towards the kitchen, he discarded his dirty clothes in his room. 

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