Chapter 19

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TW: Anxiety Attack

Day Twenty-Six | Tuesday | April 4th

It had only been four days since Roman and Logan had to deal with the car crash, but since than Deceit had made an appearance twice and had gotten away both times. Each time Virgil had been sent a picture of the place that was about to be attacked, robbed, or destroyed. And the latest attack had only been a few blocks away, close enough that they had been able to hear what was going on from the apartment, it had terrified Virgil.

It was really no surprise to him that his anxiety was higher than it had been a few days ago. He had convinced himself that Deceit knew where he was and was coming. It had taken an hour of reassurance from the others to calm him down and he still barely slept that night. This morning Virgil had found himself in worse condition than he was the night before.

Today would be spent with Roman, who had spent the last few days nervously waiting to hear back from the commercial company. Virgil was sitting on the floor, and leaning against the armchair as he tried to draw Roman, who was flipping through channels and unaware that he was Virgil's model. "Hey Virgil, you're on the news" Roman said, pointing to the television. Virgil looked up and watched the screen for a moment

"... While both Deceit and The Duke have been present in the latest three attacks Shadow Master has been missing from all three. For the last five years, Shadow Master has worked with Deceit, over a hundred attacks have been caused by the villains and if you aren't counting his recent absences Shadow Master has been present for all except one of them." The reporter said the screen showed footage of past attacks and of Virgil in his costume.

'They noticed you're gone. They're happy about it too'  Virgil thought

"Before his sudden disappearance, Shadow Master had begun to take a larger role in Deceits heists. Normally he would stand to the side and cause minor destruction, however recently he was found attacking not only the three masked heroes in our city but also other citizens. He was last seen a few weeks ago when Deceit and Shadow Master made replicas of what appeared to be Godzilla and King Kong that destroyed several blocks of the city. The attack injured forty-two people, some of which are still in the hospital recovering today"

'You've hurt people! It's all your fault! People could have died! Some still could die'

Roman's phone rang loudly, making Virgil jump. "Oh, it's the interviewers. I'll be right back." Roman said before walking to his room and answering the call excitedly.

"Because of Shadow Master's loyalty to Deceit, investigators and citizens alike have found his sudden absence strange. Many don't believe this will be a permanent change and are waiting in fear to see what Deceit is going to do with his partner in crime. That's all from me folks, I'm Catherine Long and now back to the studio"

As soon as the story ended Virgil's phone buzzed, signaling a message. He didn't have to unlock his phone to read the notifications. It was Deceit. He had texted him.

Deceit: Have you seen the news?

Deceit: They noticed you're gone.

Deceit: Isn't that sweet?

Deceit: To bad you're still the villain.

'He's right. He was right before and he's right now. You're still the villain. The only thing running away did was prove that you're a coward. You shouldn't have run away, you shouldn't have run away. You're a villain, that's all you are, that's all you'll ever be!' Virgil stood up and left the living room


"Yes, ma'am. I understand, thank you. No, no that's fine. Yes, Thanks for giving me the chance." Roman said. He sighed as he put his phone in his pocket and walked back into the living room, "Hey Virgil hows the-" Roman stopped when he saw that Virgil was no longer in the living room. The TV was still on but the story had ended and the reporter was now talking about a local animal shelter. The buzz of the phone caught his attention.

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