Chapter 3

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It was the knock at the door that woke him up. Virgil looked around the room, barely able to make out the shadows of his desk and other furniture in the dim light that came from the window. If he looked through the blinds, Virgil would be able to see the red and orange mix of colors created from the setting sun.

The knock came again, this time accompanied by a voice "Virgil?" Deceit said through the door.

"C-coming," Virgil said back, jumping off his bed, completely forgetting about his phone, which fell to the ground and onto Virgil's toe. "Ow." He mumbled lifting his foot and jumping a bit. Suddenly Virgils uninjured foot became tangled in a piece of clothes and before he knew it he had fallen. He groaned as he got up and made it to the door, turning the lights on just as he swung it open.

Deceit stared at him for a moment "is everything okay?" He asked Virgil. Deceit- Virgil knew better than to ask for his real name- was the tallest resident in the house and probably the strongest as well. Even at his age, he still had quite a bit of muscle and a lean frame. He was white, but not nearly as pale as Virgil. He had heterochromia-colored eyes, one yellow the other brown. And the most striking part of his image, a large and unmissable scar on the left side of his face

Virgil nodded, "yeah, everything is fine"

"You're still in your costume," Deceit remarked, pushing past Virgil and entering his room.

Virgil looked down at his now wrinkled costume, he had completely forgotten to take it off earlier. He quickly pulled off the top of it, exchanging it for a t-shirt and hoodie before Deceit could turn back around.  "Is something wrong?" Virgil asked as he watches Deceit examine his walls.

"You tell me." Deceit said, "Remus didn't tell me you got in some trouble earlier."

"O-oh. Yeah, but it's fine." Virgil said "Nothing- nothing happened. I got away."

"Did you kill them?"

"No" the word was sharper than he wanted it to be, and he flinched.

Deceit looked back at him, Virgil's sketchbook in his hand "Good. That's my job." He tapped at a drawing on the page "is this supposed to be me?"

Virgil looked at the photo than nodded "what's the matter, don't want people to know you cook?" Virgil asked, trying to make a joke

Deceit smiled, but it wasn't real. "It's not good"


Deceit put the book back down on Virgil's desk "are you sure nothing else happened today?" Virgil nodded, "well then, Dinner will be ready in five minutes. Get cleaned up" Deceit said before leaving the room. Virgil let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before plugging his phone into the charger and heading into the kitchen.


Roman came out of his room, a towel around his neck as his hair dripped water onto the carpet. He entered the living room quietly and found himself opening the fridge in an attempt to find something good to eat. "You are uncharacteristically quiet this afternoon Roman. Did something happen?" Logan asked, making Roman jump in surprise.

"Son of a witch Logan. You scared me" Roman said, pulling out the juice and pouring himself a glass. "No, I'm fine. It's just been a long day"

"And yet you are not dramatically serenading yourself in the bathroom mirror. Are you positive you are alright? Maybe that shadow did more damage to you than we thought"

"No Logan. I'm fine." Roman replied, "speaking of which, how is Patton?"

Logan lifted up his book and looked down at his lap where Patton had placed his feet while asleep. On the other side of the couch, Patton laid his head on a couch cushion, smiling as he snored. "I wish he had not fallen asleep on me, but he is fine otherwise."

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