Chapter 55

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TW: Cancer, Anxiety, Theft and Damage of Personal Items, Roman acting like an ass again, False Media/Reporting (?), Mentions of substance abuse, Mentions of homophobia, Crying

Extra long chapter

Day One-Hundred and Four | Wednesday | June 21st  

"Yes Angel I know, it's already on the TV," Roman said to his excited older brother who was checking for the five hundredth time to make sure they were watching his story. 

"Okay. Just remember, it's only a story." Angel said to him. Roman nodded and agreed, dismissing the comment as his brother assuring himself.

"Alright, I'll talk to you when it's over. Bye Angel doesn't die of excitement while I'm gone" Roman said before hanging up and sighing as he leaned back on the couch. He looked over at his friends, Virgil and Logan were talking about nerd stuff while Patton was making sure the cookies he had made were cool enough to eat before bringing them to the living room.

"Virgil," Logan began with frustration showing on his face, "You can't constantly use the same argument, that isn't how a debate is supposed to function"

Virgil grinned slightly, "But humans are stupid. And the argument can be applied to pretty much everything." 

Logan sighed in defeat, not wanting to start another argument over something so small, even if it was annoying. "I don't think Logan's stupid. In fact-"

"No" Logan began but Patton ignored him

"I think he's one smart cookie" Patton grinned widely as he handed Logan a cookie. Logan looked at Patton and sighed. As much as Logan hated Patton's puns and dad jokes he had to admit that the smile and laugh he used after delivering one made it all worth it.  Logan took the cookie and mumbled something about how the world was being cruel to him before facing the TV  as they began to go to Angel's story.

"... And now we go to today's feature story with our stations newest reporter, Angel Prince who has a very interesting story on Florida's biggest super threat. Angel, take it away." The station transitioned to the prerecorded video and the face of Roman's brother appeared on the screen as he stood in front of the battle that they had had with the cities supervillains. Roman moved forward slightly as his brother began to speak.

"The city I'm in is famous for its super-villain and superhero drama. It seems that hundreds of times a year the city is under the threat of it's biggest super-villain, Deceit, and constantly being 'saved' by it's three main heroes." Angel's voice said, his face slightly stoic as he spoke. "However despite how most media seems to portray these super's you do eventually have to wonder if the super-villains in the city are really the only threat the city has to face."

"Roman," Logan started, "Did your brother explain anything about this story to you?"

"No, why?"

Angel's voice interrupted the conversation, "Could it be possible that the superheroes 'protecting' the city is just as big of a threat as it's monthly attackers?"

"That's why," Logan said as Angel's video continued. His voice narrating how the superheroes f the city seemed to cause almost as much damage as the villains and comparing them to each other Roman could feel his face getting red, though he wasn't aware if it was because he was mad or embarrassed. Either way, he wasn't happy and would probably end up yelling at his brother.

Despite the video being only seven minutes long, it seemed to last forever. His brother had been able to fit a lot of information into that short amount of time. Each argument had gotten worse and worse, and when the story started moving towards Shadow Master Roman could see Virgil shifting in his seat and playing with the sleeves of his hoodie. It was obvious that he was uncomfortable, they all were. At one point Angel had hinted at Roman's super-hero persona being a lot like Deceit, which made everyone look away from the TV. 

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