'Way to go mom you just put more pressure on me, did Dad infect you in some way?' Kentarou wanted to say that but he held it in.

"Oh! It's almost time for the appointment!" Kentarou's mom said as she looked at her watch.

"Then what are we waiting for, lets go!" Kentarou's Dad shouted as he dragged his son and wife into the car.

'What the heck! Are you the ones who are going for a quirk check up or what?!! Thank God I already took a shower' Kentarou thought as he was shoved into their Lamborghini.

"Hang on tight, were going fast!" Kentarou's dad said then he stepped on the gas pedal which made the car go faster and faster until they came to a stop at a hospital.

Kentarou looked out of the window and saw the hospital.

'Wow this place is huge and looks so luxurious' Kentarou thought as they went out of the car and waited in the lobby.

"Kentarou I know your nervous but remember we will always be with you, now go and play with the other kids to clear your mind off of the quirk test" Kentarou's mom suggested.

"Ok mom" Kentarou replied, he couldn't really blame his parents for them being all excited considering that he is their only child and all.

'Although I said that, there are no kids my age here whatsoever, time to go back to the seats' Kentarou thought but when he was about to go back he heard a girl crying while he heard some kids insulting someone and the sound of rocks either hitting flesh or the concrete.

'Nope, too troublesome' Kentarou thought but he was easily taken over by guilt.

"Mom I'm going outside for a bit" Kentarou said, his mom was about to say something but he had already left.

Kentarou started running towards the sounds that he heard and eventually his eyes met three kids. Two girls, one with floating hair and the other with crystals around her arms and a boy with floating rocks around him, throwing stones and insults at a white haired girl, her hair reached up to her back's mid section.

"What are you guys doing?" Kentarou asked which made the three stop their insults and barrage of rocks.

"This girl is a villain she summoned an undead" the boy replied.

"Now don't get in our way or we'll beat you up too" the girl with floating hair said as she manipulated her hair and made it into something sharp and pointed it at Kentarou.

"This is so troublesome" Kentarou thought but he accidentally said it out loud.

"Then don't get in our way or join us" the girl with crystals around her arms offered, the girl who was being bullied started to fear for more stones and insults coming her way but Kentarou shook his head as a no.

"Although I said that it would be troublesome but I never said I wanted to join you or the fact that I would just leave" Kentarou said then he smirked.

"You guys want to be heroes right?" Kentarou asked his smirk getting larger by the second.

"Yes, why?" The three kids said and asked in unison.

"Because I don't remember any heroes doing those kind of stuff to a defenseless girl" Kentarou said.

"Isn't it a heroes job to purge villains?!!" The boy asked in a slightly mocking tone.

The Chimera Hero (BNHA/MHA X OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ