Chapter 52 •|• free?

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Snow's pov.

I arrived with the three stopping as i saw hayato checking up on vincent's group... vincent was shot.

Oliver pointed his gun at peter ratri as the latter's hands we're tied behind him as he knelt down.. serves him right.

"You lost Peter Ratri." Norman stated as we stared down at him.

He seemed shock that i was fine as hell and not aroused anymore. He gave a knowing look at ray as he stood beside me.

"I see.. my little wife has freed herself.." he stated smirking which made me clench my fist glaring at him as i pulled jacket's
Sleeves up ready to beat the hell out of him.

"What will you gain from killing me?.. in the end you still dont have a way to the human world.." he taunted at us.

That's it.. im killing this guy.

Seeing my look , Ray instantly held my hands to calm me down to which i sighed nodding understandingly.

"We've disabled the system.. no one can save you now." Emma stated as we stared at his smile.

"You sure we cant kill him emma?" I asked her smiling maniacally at peter ratri as i saw him visibly gulp.

"Snow.. you know i dont want to turn to violence right?.." she said to which i tsked.

I sighed smiling softly at emma.. im glad she never changed. I turned to peter ratri staring at his smirking face as he almost laughed at what emma said.

I smiled walking closer to him . I looked down at him as everyone silenced waiting what im planning.

"You're pretty lucky that emma is nice.... but im not." I said smiling maniacally as i slammed my foot across his face.

His head turned to the left from the impact as he spit out blood.

"That's for electrocuting me.." i stated the other kids gasped at what i said.

"And this.." i said slamming fist up against his chin as he glared at me. ".... is for ripping my favorite shirt.." i stated to which i heard barbara giggled.

"This is for fvking drugging me."

"That one is for kissing me."

"And this one is for assuming that I'll ever be you WIFE!" i screamed as i kicked him hard until he fell to the ground.

His face was a bloody mess as I forcefully pulled him back to kneel rising his head up to look at me.

I smirked in victory finally letting my anger out.

I feel better.

"Y-you forgot something " he stated.

I let go of him tsking as i looked around at the women surrounding us with guns in their hands. Great.

"Mama.." i whispered as i stared longingly at her.. i saw her falter a bit.

I know that it's not their fault.. they're just like us.. and I've forgiven them for a long time.

"You did good my children.. you survived the outside world .." she said as they're guns pointed at us.

I stood there not wavering.. something feels safe about this.. it feels right.

"Perfect scores for all of you" mama said as they all switched their target to peter ratri.

The horror was visible in the men's face as he looked around.

Yap.. you're good as dead.

"M-mama.." emma stuttered as they all looked shocked then determined knowing that mama was a part of us now.

"NO NO! YOU TRAITORS! I WONT ACCEPT THIS!!" He shouted as he stood up breaking the ropes in the process. He quickly took the gun from one the sisters as he pointed it at us before running into one of the air vents.


Pathetic.. he killed himself.

Emma looks in distraught with this... she really wanted to save everyone huh?

Sometimes i wish i could be like her but i know very well that I never will with this evil thoughts in my head... but i dont mind.. it's kinda fun thinking of dumb ways to die or kill .. sucks to be them i guess.

We walked back to mama and the other sisters as they all waited. Relief was seen in their faces and even if they act tough the look of happiness that they're finally free now is seen in their eyes.

This made me smile. You all did well..

I looked at mama as she stared at her children as all my siblings and the other kids are now here with us.

I wanted to hug her so bad.. i missed her.

Her eyes stumbled upon me frowning when she saw my hair .. i smiled.. she always knew that i hated cutting it .her eyes widened upon seeing me smile at her. I mouthed i miss you as i saw her eyes watered .

She wiped it away immediately as her device beeped.. i wonder what kind of message she got.

"It's from the imperial." Vincent suddenly said as he handed norman the tablet.

"MUSICA's THE NEW QUEEN!! SHE's ALIVEE!" gilda said in tears of happiness as we stared at the news.

"That's good! Now the evil blood will be shared and the demons wont be annihilated!" Don said in relief.

"Not just that..the farms will be abolished... " oliver stated .

This caught my attention as i scooted over him reading the article.

"So the farms... will no longer exist?.." i said in disbelief of what i read.. is this real?

Everyone looked shocked as they all stared with bits of tears in their eyes as they realized what that meant..

My eyes became glossy as i turned to ray . His eye glossed up as he stared back at me lips quivering as he smiled.

"WE'RE FREE!" the kids yelled as they cheered while the mama and the sisters wiped their tears hugging each other.

"W-we're not food anymore..we're not children to be eaten!" Don exclaimed with teary eyes as we smiled back at him.

"No ones going to hunt us down again." Gillian sniffed as she wiped her tears away.

"That's right!.. this will be the start of our safe and happy lives everyone!!" I shouted with happiness lacing my voice as i hugged emma and norman.

"You guys did well.. im proud of you." I said as they sniffed smiling back.

"Now we have to go to.."

•Frost | Ray • [the promised neverland fanfiction]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang