Chapter 33 |•| last call

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Ray's pov.

"We're here!" Lannion said as he looked around the cave like tunnel.

"Everyone please listen up!" I shouted to get their attention adn thankfully i did.

"This will be our home now.. it may not be as cozy as the shelter but neither do the ratri and the demons know about this place so we're safer here.. we'll take turns on keeping watch and the rest of you.. go rest now" i told them to which they all nodded and prepared to rest.

I stood outside as emma rested with kids.. yuugo.. lucas...

"E-emma What's that smoke? Its coming from the shelter.." gillian asked worriedly at emma.

Emma's face contorted to a sad one as she faced away from us.

"They're late.." pepe said checking the time as it was almost day break.

"Not just late.. They're too late" oliver stated checking his watch.

"No... lucas.." jemima said sadly as tears threaten to fall from her eyes.

"Y-yuugo.." i heard thoma whispered as he looked down.

"WE SHOULD STILL CHECK THEM! It's still a few hours before day break! We could still make it!" Gillian said .

"No we cant! There might still be an enemy looking for us!" I shouted.

Is she crazy?! What if they found us? Lucas and Yuugo's death would be in vain if we were caught!

"There's no sign of them ray! And there also no sign of the enemies! They might have already defeated them!" Gillian argued more.

"And if the enemy won and they're just looking for us right now!? Then if that's the case there's no way i would let lucas and yuugo's death to be in vain!" I shouted back as we glared at each other.

"That's enough.. " oliver said as he approached us.

"Sorry.." gillian and i said at the same time .. we shouldn't be fighting like this.

"everyone listen up!! Lets first fill our bellies!!" Emma stated as adam- the big kid from lambda along with pepe and the others brought in breads and food for all 60 of us .

"Emma! Can i talk to you!" I heard oliver said as he talked to emma a bit away from the others.

"Lucas handed me this note.. the last call from our supporters came in the last minute." My ears perked up at what he said.

"O-our supporters? But those men.. they said that all of them were already killed.." emma stated in shock.

"He said there was static at first and then a 20 second voice recording of.. william minerva... he said he was raising a banner  of revolution to end this neverland once and for all and .. to give the human world back to us.. i think he sent this to all the plantation's cattle children since his next lines were.. first break out of your plantations and head to the following points.. ill be waiting for you all of you.... and then there was a series of numbers.. lucas wrote it down on that note" he said pointing at the note he gave emma.

"Is minerva alive then?" Emma asked him but it sounded more like she's asking herself..

"But whats bugging me is the fact that this recording .. you've heard a direct recording from him before right?" He asked her.

"Yeah.. from goldy pond.. but that recording sounded like he was giving us a choice to our future.. did he survive and changed his mind?" Emma concluded but was still confuse.

Was it a different person then? Or is it really William minerva?.

Atleast we have a clue where we should head next...

Snow's pov.

I'm all alone traveling from branches to branches as i whistle out a certain tune.

Im heading to the last mass production farm. Norman had no choice but to let me go destroy it myself since i haven't released my abilities for months. I only used it bit by bit when i travelled and i needed the bonfire or the icicle as arrows.. but nevertheless i can feel it inside me .

Norman is worried that my heart would melt or froze completely if I didn't set it out so he let me go and destroy the last farm.

I was just with Barbara as she alongside cislo was gathering supplies ...infiltrating grace field farm

Yep.. we gathered supplies from grace field.

It wasn't the easiest job yet but we managed to pull it off smoothly. As we headed back i got the call from norman that i should head to the mass production farm to let my fire out because from his and Vincent's calculations my heart would go melt after a month if i dont let it out by then.

So i split up with Barbara as i went on my way to the farm.. it should take me a few days to get there if i use the shortest way right?

I looked up ahead as smoke still lingered around the underground shelter that i firstly infiltrated almost two years ago... i wonder if it self destructed on its own?

I continued my travel as night time came and my ears buzzed as norman called me.. i tapped it waiting for him to answer once again.

It's already his tenth call but it seems that the device kept disconnecting us every fvcking time . This is so damn annoying.

"Snow?.. finally.. i thought something happened to you." He said worryingly as i heard him sigh.

I chuckled a bit as i continued my walk around killing a few stray demons silently.

"So? What happened that you had to call me a lot just to leave me hanging?" I said as i chuckled a bit.

"Are you near the farm yet?"

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