Chapter 24 |•| mysterious girl.

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Snow's pov.

I knew it.. they're here.. ray.

That guy he's with.. could he be Lucas' friend? The survivor?... i watched them as lucas's friend pulled out a sniper ready to kill nous.

Nous is annoyingly not still.. i wouldn't want him to 'accidentally' shot sandy instead And i also couldn't make my appearance known yet.

I quickly held my bow and placed it back to its place as i opted with my safe zone. I placed my hands on the tree as i released the coldness letting it travel fastly to nous' body.

He was visibly struggling a bit. I mean its pretty obvious with all the screaming his doing. But seeing him freezing isn't enough for all that I've seen him done. So im not done yet. I continued releasing immense coldness until i was satisfied with the icicles pointing outwards from his body.

"W-who did this?! W-what i-is happening?!?" He tried to shout.

"H-hurry and shoot him!" I heard violet said as she caught sandy who fell from the hands of the now frozen Nous.

The guy seems to have shaken back to reality as he instantly pulled the trigger killing nous with ease despite nous' mask in place.

Well he sure is great to be able to do that with ease.. bye bye nous.

Now.. if im correct then the whiney demon should already be dead.. nous and nouma.. then mister baron.. and the strongest archduke lewis. He should be at the plaza with oliver waiting there..

I ran around looking for a sign of any kids alive but looks like they could only be in one place.. underground.

I quickly made my way there unseen by violet as she and ray came up to nous touching the ice that suddenly came.. they were confused.

I had to leave you for now ray.. im sorry.

I slid inside the hole as everything was in chaos there where so much injured im afraid it would not be enough for the medicine supply we had here.

I looked at everyone as they seem to not notice me. I was glad that no one was missing just nijel.. he should be at the plaza by now for the last plan.. along with the others but from what i could see he's the only one who's going to be there.

I gasped as i saw oliver getting operated. Shit. But im surprised to not see any of my siblings .. so was it just ray? That's impossible emma wouldn't let him go alone-



She should be at the plaza in my stead.shit shit shit.

I quickly ran out to make my way to the plaza . I ran around unseen and unnoticed. Did they think i died out there ? That I wouldn't return?

I guess since emma had the pen the plan should go smoothly but they lack manpower with out me.. geez Lucas.

I watched as they continuously shot archduke lewis with They're bullets. The demon seemed to slow down out of tiredness.

I have to aid them quickly... i ran faster as i saw him near a certain orange headed girl. No no... EMMA!

my eyes widened as i saw him rammed his pointy hand pass emma's stomach . My world seemed to stop as emma fell to the ground .

"EMMA!" I heard ray screamed .

My surroundings seemed to turn dark as i came near them.

I rammed my fist to the ground releasing so much coldness that it reached the demon instantly.. he froze almost immediately as i left his face unfrozen.

I heard a series of gasp as they watched the demon's body as ice poke out to different directions from it.

I walked out the corner from where i was as i walked near the demon .. you fucking monster.

"So you really aren't a failure... Mr Ratri would be so much delighted if he ever found out.. little frost.." he stated to which i only stared darkly back as i raised my hand to his face letting the fire that had been restless for the past weeks out.

He screamed a bit laughing in agony as he melted away... finally dead.

"F-frost is that you?" I heard nigel asked as he slowly tried to approach me.

I just smiled through my mask . I dont know if he knew i smiled but he instantly hugged me accidentally pulling my hood off showing my short white hair.

"We thought you died!" He said sobbing as i chuckled deeply.

He let me go as he helped me take off my jacket that's still burning.. welp didn't notice that.

"Shit! Your hand!" He said pointing at my hand that was severely burned up to near my shoulders.

I shook my head showing i was just fine.. I couldn't talk out of tiredness.. all we need to do is get out of here .. and then.. escape freely...

"Emma?! Are you ok?!" I heard the guy said as i turned to see emma standing but she soon collapsed causing the guy to carry her.. then I collapsed.


We followed Nijel as he carried the mysterious girl.. what is she? She froze the demons and then shot immense amount of fire out of her hand.. i didn't see any devices on her body or any kind of technology at all.. what is she?

I saw that she was human after Nijel took her jacket off.. she wore a sleeves shirt and shorts. . Which was kinda revealing...I didn't see her face as she had a bandana covering it.
Her hair reminded me a lot of some one.. but it couldn't be her.. she specially hated cutting her hair .. she said she'd like to grow it long like repunzel's hair.. and that someone is at heaven ..

As we entered the underground chaos there was also an adult and i was shocked to see yuugo so happy as he hugged the guy.. was this his sibling?.. i thought they all died?

"Nijel! Go activate the button-" Lucas, yuugo's sibling stopped talking as he saw nijel carrying the girl.

"Hurry nijel! Placed her down on the stretcher!" One of the kids shouted to which nijel nodded placing her down.

"T-that's.... F-frost?!" I heard the girl named violet said as she quickly aided the girl.. so her name is frost..

"B-big sis?! B-but the monster a-ate her.." one of the small kids said trembling as she came close to the white haired girl tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Heh.. she kept her promise." I heard lucas whispered as he smiled at the girl.

"There's not enough time to aid emma's injuries here.. this place will explode in the next few minutes so we have to leave now." Lucas explained to us as the kids started carrying the injured once as we headed to the tunnels leading outside.

Gilda and don are waiting for us back at the underground cabin.. we promised to comeback alive and that's what we're gonna do.. so hang in there emma.. your all i have.

"We'd take the long road back to the cabin  to be safe.. yuugo you take emma back using the short way.. we dont have any medical equipment left to save her.. the cabin is the only place that can save her.. so hurry!" Lucas said to yuugo as we continued to ran out.

"I'll come with you!" I said .. I couldn't leave emma alone.

"No .. go with Lucas and help them get back safely.. i dont want you hurt too.. gilda would kill me" yuugo said whispering the last part.

I smiled a bit at that.

"Nijel have you done it!?" Lucas asked as nijel came back running to us as he nodded at lucas.

We ran away safely separating from emma and yuugo.


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