Chapter 22 |•| make it hard.

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Snow's pov.

This is definitely not a piece of cake.

I've already arrived at the place but there is nothing around at all.. this should be one of the fake cabins. Dont get me wrong .i was able to enter it with ease. Ive memorize the blue print of this cabin from what norman showed me from the pen.

I've also already memorized the maps and underground passageways so it was easy to travel.

Memorizing it all was a piece of cake compared to the test we had back at grace field..

But this cabin wasn't the one we were looking for.


I hid inside the small cupboard with ease as that cupboard lead to the emergency exit where I entered the cabin earlier.

"There's no escapees here.. yes mr Ratri..affirmative..the escapees from grace field farm aren't here..this should be one of the fake cabins...... men! Head out!" I heard a guy's voice as footsteps disappeared.


So they're also looking for the escapees.. which means ray and my siblings.

Should i play with them for a while?

I smiled absentmindedly at my thoughts . I should stay hidden as possible as norman said . so i guess i should lay low instead of playing right?

But a little game shouldn't hurt ..

I heard their footsteps as they all headed to the entrance. I wonder how they got in.. they must be william minerva's traitors huh?

Maybe i should play with them..

I hurriedly went outside running to the tunnels that i used to get here. I should firstly report this to norman. He should know every detail that could help us and his plan.

I pressed the small walkie talkie attached to my ear as i waited for norman to pick up. Gosh Vincent is amazing to create this shit.

"Bzzz— snow? What is it? Are you in trouble?need back up? Or-"

"Calm down smug face .. i have news" i said as i hear him chuckle a bit from calling his nickname that i created.

"What is it? *CRASH*"he asked but i stopped as i hear crashing from his background.

"Where the fuck are you?" I asked as more crashes were heard and a few of barbara's crazy laugh making me giggle.

"*sigh* Control your language please?..anyways We're destroying one of the mass production farms.. so .. what is it?" He asked as if there was nothing going on around him.

"Its the ratri.. they're on the move. This cabin wasn't the one we were looking for. Ten men came inside while i was exploring the place.. it's confirmed norman.. they know how to get in freely in the cabins which probably means they have a pen and they're currently searching for emma and the rest." I reported to him.

"Bzz- i see.. so what are you planning?" I smiled at his questions.. he really knows me too well.

"Logically thinking i guess its either i go and look for ray and the others first before heading back to goldypond or..." i said chuckling a bit as i heard norman sighed heavily.

"Please dont tell me you'll forcefully take the pen from those dangerous men" he said a bit in distress from my plans.

"Bingo!" I said clicking my teeth as i giggle.

The second choice it is then.

"Snow, i think it's better for you to look for emma and the rest instead .. ok?" He said as he tried to convince me.

"Ugh.. but norman this is a much easier way to get a pen dont cha think?" I said trying to convince him to let me do this.".. wait? Why did i have to convince you again?" I asked confusedly as i continued to walk along the tunnel.

"Because you promised me that you'll consult me of your every move with the condition of not letting cislo come with you?" He explained our deal once again to which i sighed.

Cislo is really a nice company and is good with battles but i rather have him close to norman to protect him and besides im better off working alone anyways.

"You know that i could still send cislo to you right?" He said and i swear i could feel that smug smile that id really like to wipe off from his face.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Dont roll your eyes at me.. i can really feel it" norman stated chuckling.

"Gosh your creeping me out you prick" i said as i peeped at the men who walked pass the roots of the tree where im currently under.".. then I'd just play with them to slow them down.." i said giggling a bit as i followed their pace above me.

"Yeah you do that.. goodluck... see you soon" he said before disconnecting our devices.

I quietened my steps as i fastly strutted my way pass them reaching one of the hollow trees that i used to enter this tunnels earlier.

Now.. how should i make it harder for them?

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