Chapter 10 |•| the hunt

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Snow's pov.

I hid myself inside one of the hollow tree trunks.. although i know they could easily smell me.

The kids ran around as five demons emerged from the gates. I tried helping as much kids as i could hiding them in safe places.. at the same time i observed their actions.. the demons.

I was very agile back in the forests of the grace field house.. you can say that emma and i became closer because of that.

I climbed one of the trees and observe what they do and that's when i found my hiding place.. a hollow trunk of a tree. It was a perfect place to observe and hide from them. They're not exactly 5 of them.. some of them have servants. And from what ive seen since i was at the grace field house. Demons all wear masks to cover their faces.

I mean if they're ugly no need to be shy about it right?

Unless they need to protect that part of their body.

Humans as from what ive read have to protect their chest at the battle field as hitting the hearts could result to instant death also is the case with our brains .

So.. is the vital part of a demon located somewhere around their face? Only one way to find out eh?

Its already only a minute left before they have to leave.. i just have to wait a certain time to try out if my theory is correct.

I slowly place the gun i found laying around.. weird i guess. But anyways i placed it on the hole directly pointing at the whiney demon's face.

This demon is highly irritating to be like to shove his face to the grown and let him eat dirt.

I waited to pull the trigger the moment he turned his face toward my direction. And as what I predicted one of his guards caught the bullet for him. What's astonishingly irritating is the way the guard's body instantly regenerates.

The music once again was played the moment that demon started trashing around complaining that one of the kids tried to hit his face..

"Go find that stupid kid!!!" He ordered but a demon came to him stating that hunting is over and that they had to leave now.

And that concludes my research ^__^

So their body regenerates easily while the vital spot could be somewhere around their faces .. and their mask.. are very hard to break as from what I've seen.

I waited until they're gone before sliding down and climbing out the tree that protected me.

I checked the areas where i hid the other children and thankfully they're all unharmed when i came back for them.

"Big sis? What's going on? Why are monsters here to eat us? I thought we were going to have a new home" olive asked me as i held her hand while we walked back to the center of the town where i saw a few more kids my age and a bit older than me ,attending to the injured children.

I stopped and looked gently at olive.. she's too young for this. I ruffled her hair gently crouching down infront of her trembling small figure as she sniffs a bit from crying earlier.

"Maybe those monsters kidnapped you from your foster parents.. but dont worry I'll make sure we'll all escape from here" i said reassuring her. And to this she finally smiled before nodding at me.

I searched her body for any injuries and thankfully she didn't have any. I released a sigh of relief as i stood up and approached the guy with snow white hair with a streak of red on it.

He turned his head to me as i approach him. His eyes widened a bit before a tint of red covered his cheeks. Another weirdo i guess.

"A-are you injured?" He awkwardly asked as i stood infront of him with a stern look on my face. I opened my mouth to ask him about this village when someone clung unto my loose trousers.

"Big sis your alive!!" I turned my head to a small boy with blonde hair as he hugged my legs. He seemed to be five. Oh! I remember him!

"Oh hey! Did those monsters hurt you?" I said crouching down to his height checking his body for any serious injuries. He reminded me of phil...

He smiled widely at me showing his cute crooked tooth before shrugging his shoulders

"Nope! You hid me very well they didn't found me at all ! Thank you big sis!" He said hugging me tight.

I smiled at the warm feeling building up inside my chest.. he really did reminded me of phil.I ruffled his hair before letting him go as he strutted away hopping ever so slightly.

"I saw you in the forest.." i turned my attention to the white hair dude as he stared at me with disbelief.

"You effortlessly saved all those kids.." he continued as i stood up placing my weight on my left foot and resting my hand on my hip . I smiled widely at him before reaching my other hand out to him.

"My name's snow... and you are?.." i asked him my smile never faded a bit. I wanted them to know that hope is still here.

"I-im oliver .." he said shaking my hands.

"So oliver.. What's the big deal about this place?" I said my face turned ever so serious.

I need to know every detail.. to be able to escape.

•Frost | Ray • [the promised neverland fanfiction]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें