Chapter 44|•| ayshe

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Snow's pov.

"You have to stay snow" norman said to which ray smiled softly at me rubbing my head .

"B-but norman.." i said tears threatening to spill as i looked at ray.

No.. there's no way im letting him go without knowing if he'll come back to me alive.

"You have to stay.. the kids need you here.. norman will be heading out for sure.. and he'll need you snow.." he said caressing my cheeks as he wiped a few stray tears away.

"Yeah snow.. we have to help him carry his burden remember?" Emma said softly.

My lips trembled.. r-right i have to keep the kids safe from any potential danger.

"It's almost night time.. lets go ray!" Emma stated to which ray nodded at her smiling at me before walking out the door to get ready.

I turned to norman as he stared at them leave before popping a pill in his mouth... im the only one who knew about it.. his sickness.

I came close to him hugging him close as i rubbed his back.

"N-norman im sorry for making you carry all the burden! I didn't know it was that big!" I said as i sobbed into his chest.

I felt him smile as he hugged me back

"Thank you snow.. if you weren't here from the start i might have already lose sanity.." he said sighing deeply as he rubbed my back.." You've been such a great help i hope you realize that."

I nodded sniffing as i let go of him wiping my tears away.

"I-I'll go see them off .. go easy on yourself ok?" I told norman as i came close to kiss his cheeks goodbye before heading out the door.

"D-do you have to go?" I asked him as i stand infront of him.

Emma is with the other kids saying goodbye to them as they wish them goodluck.

"You're making this hard for me" he joked as he placed his hand behind my head pulling me to his chest as i felt him kiss my forehead .

I broke down in sobs as i wrapped my arms around him. we've only been with each other for 3 days.. and now he has to leave me again.He hugged me back humming a familiar hum to cool me down.

I sniffed a bit as i looked up to his face.

"Promise me you'll come back in one piece" i said to which he nodded smiling softly at me.

"Promise me you wont let the ratri or those demons lay a finger on you while im gone ok?" He said patting my hair as he let go of me.

"I wouldn't want them to do those disgusting things to you.." he said as his eyes became serious... he k-knew?

Seeing my confused face he smiled a bit ."i took Your file yesterday.. stay safe ok?" He asked as emma called out to him.

"R-ray?" He turned back as i tiptoed on my toes holding his face to place my lips on top of his.

He's eyes widened a bit before smiling into it. We parted fastly as i smiled at him waving goodbye.

"Come back safe ok!?" I shouted at him and emma as they cut their hands letting their blood flow down to the golden water and in an instant .. they're gone.

"Now im jealous.." i heard oliver said chuckling a bit.

I almost forgot they were here.. s-so they saw that?!

I swallowed the lump on my throat as my face reddened looking away.

"U-uh.. oh right! Anna oliver!.. i have to ask you to do something.." i told them as i came close to whisper something to their ears.

They nodded determined as they started to get into work at the lab while gilda and don started to lead the kids inside.

Anna and oliver should be able to do it. It's about adam.. i talked about it with emma and ray on how they kept the big guy alive despite the migraines and to my surprise they said he never had one... he could be the breakthrough we needed for the kids from lambda.. cislo.. zazie.. barbara.. they'll be safe like hayato.

Well vincent could go rot in hell.. joke.

And norman would be safe.

norman called gilda and don to his office along with hayato. I wonder what he needed.

I went to the practice grounds finding the person that i was meeting for a while now.. it's good that she has been opening up to me.

"Ah there you are! Ayshe!" I said glancing at her as she pats her wolves.

I smiled as she smiled back waving at me. She stood up hugging me as the dogs sniffed me barking in delight.
"I missed you.. im glad you're safe!" She said as she let go of me.

I crouched down to pat the dogs as they licked my hands. I giggled.

"How are you holding up?" I asked her to which she scoffed.

"You mean about those suckers killing my dad?.. i dont know.. good i guess" she said to which i sighed standing up.

"Im sorry ayshe.. if only i came earlier-" i told her

"It's ok snow.. it wasn't your fault.. if it weren't for you I would've lost sanity in this place" she said smiling.

Ayshe was a kid that norman and the others 'saved' from a demon's house. They found her with a group of dogs inside a room seeming to be raised as a dog.

She didn't spoke a single word deeming her unable to understand us as what norman told me.

But when i volunteered to teach her how to use weapons the moment i saw her i eyes i knew there was more to her story that norman and the others oversaw.

And i was right.

The demon that held her 'captive' turns out to be the one who took her from the plantations raising her as his own daughter. He taught her a lot of things such as demons language and human language. She taught me how to speak their language as we drew closer to each other.

After knowing the truth i said sorry a billion times to which she looked shocked. She thought i was like norman and the others.

She still doesn't speak much to the others but i heard her speaking demon language to vincent calling him bald to which i cant help but laugh.

"Ayshe!" We turned around to hayato as he went to us.

"Miss Snow .. boss is asking for her to come with us." Hayato said seriously.. why is he being formal to me?

"H-hey What's wrong with you?" I asked him crossing my arms pouting at him but he didn't wavered.

"The boss asked us to find the cursed blood and take them here for protection.. and she's going to be our guide and tracker" hayato said pointing at her.

Keep them safe?protection?


As if im believing that.

•Frost | Ray • [the promised neverland fanfiction]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang