Chapter 32 |•| extermination

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RAY's pov.

"Where's lucas and rossi?" Violet asked the kids as they welcome us back from our trip.

"In the telephone room! They're on look out today!" Jemima answered as we sat down in the dining hall.

We found a secret room inside this underground hide out that we now call home.

The room had literally nothing in it ... just a telephone.. we only had luck once as one of minerva's allies managed to contact us sending morse codes saying that "cant talk contact you later" we thought that maybe they're also being hunted by the ratri so we thought it would be convenient to teach everyone morse code so that we could all be on guard at the phone for any calls.

But its already been what? A year and a half ? Since the last call. We're afraid that there's no allies or supporters left.

"So what happened on your trip?! Found anything?" Anna asked enthusiastically as they all waited for our reply.

"We've found it! The temple and the golden water." Emma said smiling at them as they all cheered and high fived each other.

"Thank you everyone! For supporting us.." emma said smiling at them as they all smiled back.

"Thank you for your hard work guys." Oliver said as we all smiled with hoped in our eyes.

All we need to do now is to make a new promise.. and we'll all be safe away from this hell..

"EVERYONE! QUICKLY HIDE!" we all jolted as pepe suddenly came in bursting through the doors.

Our eyes widened as we all panicked a bit as we all ran guiding the smaller ones into the back of the piano where a secret room is held once again. This room is filled with weapons of different kinds. Its also good that we stored emergency bags in every room if ever this happens.

"I wonder how they found us.. why now!?" Don shouted whispered as we all became quiet to the sound of footsteps.

"Finally found the place.. that one was hard to crack .. its good that he talked before he was killed.." goosebumps crawled on my skin as i heard the man spoke.

"S-so our allies and supporters... are dead?" Gilda whispered as she was shushed by violet.

"We have to leave now.. this place is not safe anymore." Emma whispered-shouted at everyone as everyone quietly took their bags walking silently with ease to one of our emergency escape routes.

We have seven in total and im sure those men didn't know about it but what made us worried is lucas.. it was good that he was in the secret room.

We were lucky the rossi came out just in time that pepe was able to warn him. He should be with lucas right now. The secret room is under the computer room where we check the outside world .. and one of the escape routes is inside that room.

We had the upper hand since we knew the tunnels of the escape routes very well.

"We should be able to get out using this " emma stated as pointed to up to the hole that we were approaching.


"LUCAS!!" Chris screamed as he came to lucas' aid but was shot on the head .. the bullet grazing his head..

"NO CHRIS!!" emma shouted as she quickly grabbed the kid as he collapsed.

I spread my arms to suppress the kids behind me as yuugo quickly took lucas back and as soon as they came close to us I quickly pressed the button to release the wall that came down to protect us from those men.

"Why do you have to kill us!? We're all going to make a new promise at the seven walls so there's no need to fight anymore!!" Emma screamed at the wall that separated us from our captors

But the guy just laughed crazily.


This people.. what the hell is wrong with them?! All we wanted is to live.. have a peaceful happy life .. be free.

I gritted my teeth as Emma's face contorted to a hurt expression.

"Lets go leave!" She said but we were stopped as Rossi came running to us.

"Emma! We have to u-use the main exit!" He managed to say as he struggle to breath.

"What do you mean rossi?" Yuugo asked him as he carried lucas.

Rossi pulled a walkie talkie from his back. We all looked at him with disbelief.

"Lucas managed to get this when he strangled one of the men" he said finally regaining his breath.

"Bzz- blake i repeat leave the main exit and head to exit no.7  we're all ready waiting in exit no. 6 ,4 and 5.."we all jolted as they communicated .

"Already here at exit no. 7 i repeat already here at exit no.7!"

Emma and i smiled at each other as we then lead the kids to the main exit pulling everyone out with ease.

We got out.

"Lets head to the underground tunnels .. we should be safe there" i said as they all nodded ready to leave.

"That's good y'all should go there now!" yugo said to which we all stared at them.

"What about you guys?" Jemima asked yuugo and lucas but they just shook their heads.

"Someone has to make sure those remaining six men wouldn't catch up to us.."Yuugo said as lucas spoke with oliver .

"Wh-What?! No! Lets go now!" Emma said.. she knows they might not make it alive.

" emma.. this is the best choice.. and besides we only had the goods for two" lucas said as they showed us the uniform of the two spies.

All the kids are already heading to the underground tunnels despite their protest to stay with the two they followed gilda and don while emma and i spoke with the two morons.

"F-fine just... make sure you come back.. ok?" Emma said as the two nodded.. i could see determination in their eyes but also.. that sad look .

I smiled at them sadly as i hugged them...they were almost like our father.

I know there's no way they'll make it out alive.

"I'll help you kill them ... this way im sure you guys could come out alive-"

"No ray.. I couldn't bare to let you kill .. that not a demon down there.. those are humans" yuugo said patting my head before ushering us to go.

So we left running as i heard yuugo use the walkie talkie he stole.

"Hey there! I just wanted y'all to know that this place will be your fvcking grave!" He screamed smiling to the walkie talkie.

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