Chapter 51 •|•

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Snow's pov.

"Well should i really be jealous of it?" I asked turning away in annoyance.. tsk.

"Don't tell me that you thought i liked her?" He said face palming making me turn to him.


"What!? You're kidding!" He said annoyed that i even thought about that.

"Then how were you so good at it?!" I countered back even tho im blushing from the memory of what happened.

I cant believe i made such sounds...

"Cause i read a lot ok!?"he said.

I can't believe that we're fighting and teasing each other right now (-3-)

"You really didn't did that to anyone?" I asked pouting a bit.

"Yeah... just admit that you liked it" he said smirking down at me with that teasing eyes of his.

I felt my blood rush up to my face.. yeah i pretty much did like it tho.. but as if im giving him the satisfaction of just being embarrassed about it.

"Nah.. i think you need a bit more practice " i teased back with a smirk placing my hand on top of my hips leaning to him.

His smile faltered slightly with an irk mark on his forehead.. he should know that victory isn't always gonna be his like back at the house.

"Oh yeah? .." he said smirking evilly quickly pulling me by my waist to his chest making me flinch,glaring up at him.".. then maybe we should do it more then?" He said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

Blood raised up my head as i was deemed speechless this time.. how can i forget that he always had the last laugh at things.. -.-

I opened my mouth to retort back but stopped upon hearing a buzz on my - i mean ray's device indicating that someone is answering my call.

Ray noticed letting me go waiting what the other line would say.

"Ray?are you done yet? We're heading to Vincent's group apparently they asked for back up because Vincent thinks that they might get ambushed.. if you're done there, may as well head there now.. we're almost there." I heard norman's voiced said with footsteps as they ran.

The line disconnected without letting me talk.

I turned to ray .

"Let's head to vincent's group they need back up.." i stated as we both looked at each other with determined eyes . Nodding we started heading to the door.

I stopped as ray pulled my hands to make me face him.

"What now?" I asked impatiently to which he tsked before grabbing my jacket zipping it shut.

"Dont forget that you're only in your bras... dont let anyone see that.. you're mine now.. right?" He said blankly before smiling at me.

He's been sweet talking me in a teasing way since we were kids and im embarrassed to say that after years of him doing this.. i still blushed every fvcking time.

Tsk.. fvcking hedgehog.. he never fails to make my heart race.. or to get rid of those butterflies in my stomach.

I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled nodding before pulling him away letting him lead where vincent and his group is.

We turned around the corner and im thankful that my energy is back to normal. My abilities seems to be back to normal after getting block by the drugs and the electricity earlier.

We killed the remaining demons after they've awoken since we wouldn't want any disturbance to our plans.

I casually walked to one of the demons freezing him completely while gunshots were heard behind me from ray.

I turned to him signing that we should continue and as we round the corner we were welcomed by a man who turned to us quickly pointing a gun at us and behind him is norman and emma being held up by two more men.

"Ray! You guys!" Emma said as she smiled at us . The two men were caught off guard as emma and norman stopped struggling and this became an opportunity for emma to elbow his guts causing him to fall to the ground.

"Hands up!" My head turned to the man that was pointing his gun at me.

Almost forgot about this guy..

Ray flinched but i held my hand up to him to calm him down.

"I said hands up!!" He shouted once again as both the men behind him was already beaten up by emma and norman.

I just shrugged lazily holding my arms up.

"Relax ~ no need to get your panties in a twist" i said teasingly making him flinch a bit.

"Now.. come closer.. slowly" he instructed .

I sighed, bored.

"Do you really want me to?" I said smirking to which he just tsked waving me to walk over.

When emma and the two tried to come close he only pointed the gun more to my head making the three flinch while i only walked casually to the guy with my stoic face.

He smiled as i came close quickly grabbing my arm pulling me . My back facing his front as he continued to point the gun at me.

"You three kneel down hands up" he instructed to which i rolled my eyes.

"Ok this is getting boringgg" i said as i rolled my eyes casually tapping his hands.

"AGHHHH!? C-COLDD!!" He shouted as i slipped out from his arms dusting my clothes as she tried to move but nonetheless he was already trapped in my ice.

"So? Lets go?" I said smiling softly as i continued to walk patting their backs.

Hi guysss i just wanted to say thank you for reading my story and if any of you are not liking the last chapter feel free to tell me your opinions by commenting on this note.

Because I wouldn't give a damn about your opinions about that little fluff ok? Just dont report this story it took me a half a month to right this all so~ dont let my hard work go down okkkk????

Thank you and i love youuuuu~

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