Chapter 26 |•| the news.

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Snow's pov.

"Dont worry snow i have a plan.. besides. Do you think he'd let you go help barbara on your own?" He said.

I sighed .

He's really damn good at convincing people.

"But norman how are we suppose to find them? The moment i bring barbara and cislo back there , they should be at the underground cabin are we suppose to find them?" I asked him.

"Dont worry snow .. vincent is already making plans on how we'll be able to track them.. i also have news for you.. so you should hurry up and get here... it's important." He said with all seriousness.

I sighed deeply ruffling my hair frustratingly as our call ended.Norman's right.. i couldn't reveal myself just yet.

I walked up to lucas to tell him that id hve to leave later .. i explained to him that my friends needed my help and thankfully he understood this. I hugged him thankful. He was just like a father figure for us.

"Ugh.." i heard as i turned my head to ray who's uncomfortably sleeping upright against the tree.

My poor ray.

He looked much mature even just after 3 months he seemed to have changed a lot. But looks like his night terror hasn't left him huh?

I carefully sat beside him letting him rest his head against my shoulders as i caress his hair soothing him with a gush of a nice cold breeze.

His scrunched face relaxed as i hummed the familiar lullaby he used to sing me to sleep with.

"Snow..." i heard him say under his breath as a stray tear fell.

Oh ray.. your making it hard for me to leave you.

I wiped his tears away as i carefully held his head . I stood up letting him rest in a rather more comfortable position against the tree. I kissed his forehead goodbye as i pulled my bandana down.

"Goodbye ray... i love you." I whispered as i walked away saying goodbye to the kids.

Hang in there Barbara.. Cislo!

It didn't took me long to get to the farm since i was pretty close to it. The farm seems peaceful. I guess the plan wasn't really to destroy it.. just get the supplies huh norman?


I looked around searching for the voice until i saw one of the kids that are abnormally huge carrying a bleeding barbara on his left and a whole box of medicine supplies on the other.

I quickly placed my pinky fingers on my mouth blowing hard to create a whistle.
Cislo perked up searching for me since im the only one who knew the tune of that whistle.

I jumped down infront of them not bothering to say hello , i quickly ushered them to follow me as i lead them underground.

"What happened?" I asked as i used the medicine they had to fix barbara up.

"Honey that hurts aghh!" Barbara said as she placed her hands on top of mine trying to stop me from moving.

"Well its supposed to" i said continuing..".. i told you to be careful remember?!" I scolded her as she whined playfully under my hands.

"So what happened?.. did the demons noticed you?" I asked.

"One of them did but we got rid of him before the other could find out about our existence." Cislo explained as he handed me the medicines i needed.

I sighed in relief . If those demons finds out that human cattles are the one behind the robberies and commotions instead of rogues we'd be dead meat and the plan would be broken.

"That's good.. this should make you numb enough to not trouble us along the journey..." i said to barbara as i released the coldness from my palms into her injuries. She hummed in delight as she hopped on the big guy ready to continue our journey.

It should take us about 3 weeks to get to norman... if we take the safe way.

We should just go to the shortest way possible right?

"Why did you take the shortest way?" Norman said face palming as he stared at my burnt arm.

"Because you said you need to tell me something important.. remember?" I said as i flopped my self on his sofa.

"Dont you need to get your arm fixed first?" He asked as he sat down infront of me.

"Nah.. it'll heal just fine in a few hours.. so what is it? The news?" I said eagerly waiting for him.

He sighed at my stubbornness before deciding to finally tell me the news.

"I found this report back at lambda.." he said as he took an envelope handing it to me." The scientist that had experimented on you thought that you might achieve abilities that might be a breakthrough for human kind" he explained as i looked at my pictures and data. Struggling a bit as i only used one of my hands.

"They found out that you weren't really a failure.. and they want you back." He said sternly to which i gulped .

"But they couldn't.. they already gave me to mr baron to be eaten.. they should think that im already dead by now." I said.. im right aren't i?

"That should be the case .. but look at the letter inside the envelope." He said as I immediately searched for the letter.

I read it and my eyes widened.

"Mr baron filed an escape to the ratri clan since they cant report it to their government.. you were an escapee from a top secret hunting ground." He said.

But this didn't faze me at all. They've been searching for me for the last two months and didn't have any hopes of finding me anymore.. they should think that ive died already.

"Snow there are a group of adults that they sent to look for you yesterday.. we have to get rid of them.." he said .

"How do they even know that im alive-"

"You froze their body.. the way your body should've been frozen and preserved " he said .

My eyes widened at the little mistake that i did. Shit im so stupid at times. Why did i have to play with those men again?!

I sighed ruffling my hair.

"What do they even need from me? My dna? They could always just make another version of me with another child right? So why did they have to go and find me?" I asked him as i clenched the envelope.

"Because of that.." he said pointing at the envelope .".. that was the formula.. they exiled the men who experimented on you for failing and after reading that file they decided that they should try once again.. but unlucky for them.. i took that file and destroyed lambda for good." He said. I chuckled a bit while I continued to read the report.

My eyes widened and my breath was caught in my throat as i read a word that had me shocked for life.


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