Chapter 18 |•| escapees?

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Snow's pov.

"So you don't eat humans?" I asked musica as we walked inside a tunnel that they claimed to have found.

"Yes " she said smiling as her mask was only was covering half her face.

"Why not? Doesn't it taste good for you?" I asked her. I haven't show them my face yet and my jacket is closed showing no sign of humanity.

"It's against our religion to eat your kind" sung joo answered to which i stopped walking.

I smiled giggling a bit as i pulled my hood and bandana off showing my face and smiling at them.

"So you've already figured it out huh?" I asked them as we continued to walk.

"Well if I didn't noticed your shoes we wouldn't know.. you didn't even smelled like one" he stated scoffing a bit as we continued.

"I've never heard of a human having those kind of abilities like the ones you had.. but thank you again.. for saving us" musica said as she smiled at me.

"Musica? Why are you being exiled? What's with this evil blood ?" I asked her.

They promised to accompany me to the place nearest to lambda where i can travel safely since demons didn't roam the place. They said they're traveling there since it was forbidden for demons to walk the places around lambda and the other high farms.

"My blood when drunk by demons causes them to have a stable body." She stated.

Stable body?

"What do you mean?" I asked her as we stopped to climb out and travel by the woods.

"Demons had to eat humans or else they'll devolve and turn into wild animals " sung joo explained as he helped musica up.

" but how did grace field supplied all of the demons with human meat?As far as i can remember we were only shipped out every two months... so how?" I asked them.

"You're from grace field huh? That's a pretty high quality farm.. only the rich can afford meats from that farm." Sung joo said as we continued to walk.

"But what about the poor? What do they eat? Do they devolve then?" I asked confused but that's when i realized something.

"Mass production..." i said as i trailed off.. from what I've read on books mass production farms of animal meat doesn't raise the animals with care. They just needed to feed them to fatten them up and sell them away.

"Bingo, kid.. mass production farms are the worst with their human meat.. its not the best meat but at least they could feed the population.. those kids doesn't even know how to talk.. they dont learn or anything and were kept in bad conditions..they'd fatten them up and chop them away." Sung joo continued.

Chills ran down my spine as I thought about those kids.. those poor human cattle..

"You already know our names but you haven't even stated yours.. what's your name? little savior." Sung joo asked me as we came across a tree of what seemed to be fruit.

"You can call me frost.. are those edible?" I asked them as i pointed to the fruits.

"I know how we can repay you now " musica said with a giggle as she picked the fruit and handed it to me.

I thanked her as we both took a bite. I smiled at the taste.. its fresh and its sweet. Its the best ive had for the last month ive been here.

"We'll teach you how to survive and eat out here before we part ways ok?" She said as she held my hands.

I smiled and nodded my head thankful.

"Oh musica.. you guys are heading near grace field after we part right?" I asked her as she teaches me how to know if the plants where edible, poisonous or can be used as medicine.

Its already been 2 days with them and later in the evening we were already parting our ways. Ive already grown close to them. I guess not all demons are bad then.

Musica nodded at my question.

"If you ever come across escapees.. please don't hesitate to help them!" I asked pleading her with puppy eyes to which she giggled and nodded.

I thanked her as sung joo arrived with a plant.

"Come here frost.. I'll teach you something " he said as he waved his hand for me to come over.

"What is it sung joo?" I asked him as i crouch beside him to see a bird that he shot  with his arrow still intact on it's belly.

"This is called the gupna ceremony.. everthing you see that are alive are given by the gods. So before you eat something you've caught you have to pray and give thanks to the gods.. insert this plant to their heart it will help with the bleeding ." He stated as he inserted the all too familiar plant to the chest . He placed his palms together to pray while the plant bloomed red.

I gasped... that plant was the plant that was blooming on top of conny's chest.

"Your siblings that died .. this plant was inserted to their chest. Which means they were given respects before they died and were eaten.." sung joo explained smiling at me.

I smiled back nodding as i wiped a few stray tears away.

"Goodbye musicaa~ thank you sung joo" i said as i hugged them tightly.

"Be safe out there frost..we'll meet again one day ok?" Musica said as we parted. I nodded and smiled at them as i walked away.

I stared below with wide eyes... smoke was coming out of the now burning lambda.

Im still far ahead but i could see it..

I jolted as i heard talking to which i quickly hid . Its only been a day since i parted form sung joo and musica and im already getting myself in trouble.

A hooded child walked along a group of weird teens and children. There where a lot of them . Are they escapees?

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