chapter 9 |•| free?

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Snow's pov

I woke up in darkness. I adjusted my eyes to everything and that's when i realized that im still in the vehicle with the abnormaly big kid.

My eyes looked down at my arm as the other was burning hot it charred my blouse leaving half of my top to be burned.

I tried moving my other arm only to find it glued to the floor .. well not glued.. frozen to the floor with a thick layer of.. ice?

I used my other hand to melt it.. it would be troublesome if our captures find out that im not so much of a 'failure'.

They didn't even mind to lock us up.. they were really expecting us to sleep long enough to give them no trouble huh?

I wonder what kind of demon mr baron is to want his meal alive..

I laid down as if im sleeping .. who knows? There might be cameras around..watching me.

I think the experiment they're trying on me is preservation.I read in many books that  a way to preserve meat is to freeze it.
But they got it wrong because instead of my whole body freezing , half of my body heat travelled to the other side of my body while the 'freezing' part was on the other side.

And to make matters worst .. for them , i learned a way to control my body back to normal.

I think it would've work if they only did one dose.. but instead they did NINE.. due to that.. my body could freeze and burn things without an ease.

I did catch a cold because of the changes happening inside my body.. but it disappeared before they even noticed it.

I felt the vehicle stop and heard talking from outside. When i heard footsteps coming my way I instantly closed my eyes.

"Why is her shirt burned?" I heard one of the demons ask as he picked me up carelessly. i feel like one more tug and my bones would dislocate from each other.

"Hey watch it! That cattle is still a precious merchandise! If she arrived with a broken bone we'll be dead meat!" The other one said.

I knew it.. im still such a precious merchandise eh?.

"Was there fire inside? Her shirt is charred to half." A new one asked as the demon holding me carefully handed me to him.. im guessing it's one of mr. baron's servants.

"She's experiment 002 .. a failed one.. they say she might burn to death or froze like a block of ice.. either way it's still delicious as mr. ratri confirmed " the demon answered.

I felt being moved again for more than a couple of minutes and soon due to my idiotic self.. i drifted to sleep.

My eyes flutter open as the sun blinded me... where am i?

I stood up holding my hands in front of my face shielding the blinding sunlight. I stood up and dusted my cropped charred shirt and my white pants.. i seem more dirtier than usual. Did they fucking threw me around or what?

I looked around .. a village? Is this a human village? Seemed like it. But .. there's not anyone around.. is it deserted? Did they let me go then? .this whole place seems like a paradise.. i looked above .. this place seems to be encase with plants? Or am i seeing it wrong? Because  i looked around to see forest surrounding the town... am i dreaming?does this mean im free now?


Think rationally snow.. this must be something like the plantations.. then im still going to be shipped out?.

I started walking through the town looking around.. that's when i saw a small crowd of children and two teens infront seeming to be convincing the kids.

The two looked much older than me.. maybe around 15 or 14?
The one who's talking had white hair with a streak of red.

"Please listen to us.. the moment that the speakers let out music run away to the forest as fast as you can for the next 15 minutes and hide!" he said to the children.

"Why?? Our foster parents may look for us if we run!" A kid who looked like she's 6 year old asked him.

He seemed in distress like he didn't want to answer the kid.

The children ranged from 5-8 year olds. Are they newcomers here like me?
Im still in hiding behind one of the building as i listen to them from the corner.The moment i touched the wall i forgot to control my hands as the whole wall now was surrounded by spiky ice..

Calm down snow.. you could do this.. you have to survive ok? To see them be able to do that.. you have to control your body first ok?

I assured myself as I breathed in and slowly breathed out .. fog of icy air coming from inside my body . The ice soon melted and i looked back as they were bickering heard from the crowd.

"Monsters?! Are you joking?" The other kid said. The kids doesn't seem to believe the older boys as they keep protesting on what the other two was saying.

"Believe us! The moment that music comes out you have to run and hide! The monsters will come to hunt us!" One of the other boys explained once again.

I knew it.

So this is a hunting ground huh? So they're all cattle children too . I looked around and saw all the post with speakers above them. There are lot of those around the town. So the moment music comes out of those is the moment those demons would come out and play.

They really think so lowly of us to consider us as toys huh?

I'll break out of here.. gather much information outside.. maybe find some help but if not.. then I'll find a safe place outside. I'll come back here and save you all along with my siblings.

I tensed up as i heard a tune start to play.

"Everyone! Run!"

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