Chapter 29: Lunch (Love Interest Progress)

Start from the beginning

I sighed rereading it again. "I give up. I'm gonna fail this." i sighed again. "Its scary that we can't know what will be in the practical test exercise." Midoriya said

"Nothing wild, i would think."Iida said
"We can still pull it off." Ochaco cheered.
"Not if we fail." i said closing my book.
"Studying to the test, plus keeping our physical strength in tip-" Midoriya was still talking until i saw this tray getting far too close with his head.

"Don't even think about that Neito Monoma." i stopped his tray from hitting Midoriyas head. He laughed nervously sweat visible on his forehead. "What do you think you're doing?" i pushed, he closed his eyes and looked at us, "You lot encountered the hero killer, i heard. The ways in which you've been basking in the spotlight have only multiplied ever since the festival, haven;t they, Class A?" He smirked "Only the attention you're grabbing ins't out of expectation; the attention you're grabbing is in the form of trouble." He laughed.

"Hey! That's not nice!" i moved a bit to block his view from my classmates. "Oh. (y/n) you pack quite a punch don't you?" he leaned in tilting his head staring at me. 
"Yeah. Im still sorry about that but you can't just come here and bully my friends however you like." i took my hand off his tray and looked at him daring. 
He hummed and leaned in closer to my face. "Feisty. I Like it." .. Did he just.?

I moved back and glared at him "W-what the hell was that?"
"Ohh? Such a cute blush on your face." He said smiling devilishly.
"SHUT IT!" I yelled at him. He continued to chuckle moving closer i kept moving back until i bumped into Midoriya making fall and sit good thing Iida and Midoriya caught me. "Hey you okay?" Iida asked. Midoriya looked at Monoma "Hey!" I closed my eyes and balled my fist and stood up about to strike. "That's not funny!" "NGH!" i opened my eyes and Itsuka had karate chopped Neito's neck knocking him unconscious.

"Itsuka." i said upon seeing her.
"Sorry about that, his heart is well.. you know how it goes." she said picking him up by the collar of his uniform. "Anyway, i heard you say that you couldn't know what the end-of-term test exercise would be." I stood up and fixed my uniform. "Actually i was told it'll be like the entrance exam, simulation exercise with robots." i tilted my head "How'd you know?" "I know an upperclassman personally, and asked." She smiled  "its kinda cheating i know." Izuku started talking his thoughts out loud. "Are you stupid Kendou?" Our attention was turned to the blonde haired boy who was knocked out earlier. "You just threw away our hard-won intelligence advantage! This was our chance to forestall our detested class A" He looked up, an indication he was fully awake. "(f/c) huh?" he asked curiously smiling, i still wasn't on the same page as he was so i stared back just as confused. He pointed to me. "(f/c)." He was peeping! "YOU DAMN PERVERT!" i yelled kicking him on the  head knocking him out again. I walked back to where my seat was and grabbed my book, storming off.

'Dumb ass. Of all the days it had to be today when all my compression shorts were all wet. Damn pervert.'

-----NO ONE'S POV-----

It wasn't until (y/n) yelled out and kicked Neito that everyone finally understood what he meant when he said '(f/c)'. Her classmates watched as she stormed off grabbing her book with her. "I'm really sorry to disturb you guys. I should get going, i need to have a word with Manoma over here." Itsuka said pulling up her classmate and walking away with his tray of food on her other hand. 
"Well that was two sides of (y/n) we've never seen." Asui said.
"I've never seen her mad before. It's really something." Uraraka said
"True. She's usually calm." Midoriya said thinking to himself.
"I guess no one has provoked her apart from that Nomu back in USJ." Iida stated.
"But even then she was knocked out and and beaten up before her nine tails gained control on her body." Todoroki said.
"You know what else? We've never seen her flustered too." Hagakura chimed.

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