Chapter 9: Megalomaniac

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Mitsuki pov

"Miki, look!" Emily said and she pointed at the flowers.

"That's a flower, Emily. Follow me, Flo-wer." I tried to pronounce the word slowly for her to catch up and learn.

"F-Flower." She stutters but she still manages to say it.

"That's my good little angel!" I scooped her up in my arms and nuzzle against her cheek. She giggled in response.

"You're going to be a great mother one day." Rei smiled at me.

"Ha! You're joking!" I put Emily down and she went and played with Yumi.

"I'm serious."

"Yeah rig- Oh..., you're not joking." I stared at her serious face.

"I feel like you know how to take of a child better than me."

"What?! No! No way! Don't be ridiculous!" I laughed awkwardly.

"Really! Sometimes I think I pamper Yumi-chan too much." She looked down.

"Huh? What about Tsukihiko?" I asked.

"Oh, he spoilt her a lot as well, but he hardly comes home, like once in a blue moon." She said

Huh? So that cheating backstabbing liar actually neglects his family? I can already guess where he went during his absence, fucking some women.

"Rei, let me ask you something. Do you love him?" I asked.

She looked at me with shock in her eyes.

"Sorry, if you don't mind me asking."

"No, no. It's fine. Yes, I love him. He's so handsome and smart and hard-working and-"

"I get it, but do ever think he will ever, you know, cheat on you? You don't need to answers it is it makes you feel uncomfortable, I'm just curious."

"No, he's not the type to cheat. He may be cold on the outside, but he's actually nice once you really get to know him."

Really? Your husband touched me yesterday, and I pretty sure he cheated on you. The whole "nice" part, it's all nothing but a fake lie. Puh-leaze, I can read him like a book and she's his wife, and she doesn't even know that he's evil. Pure evil!!!!

Like a demon who hatched out from a volcano!

Anyway, Rei is too good for that bastard. She thought he never cheat on her but he just touched me yesterday....

Okay, it is more like cuddling, but still, that's kind of cheating. Not that I liked it, I find it repulsive. Yeah, he's handsome and rich and smart, but not my type. Besides, he's married and my boss. That's so fucking wrong on so many levels.

"Miki, cycle, cycle." Emily came back to me and smiled.

I smile while standing up, I get on my bicycle and I carry Emily and place her in front of me.

"I will meet you back at home, okay Rei?"

"Sure, you guys go ahead. We'll see you back at home." Rei waved and I cycled home.


"Take a shower, the maids will help you. I have to go and do some business with your daddy." I patted Emily's head and she nodded.

That's weird, I got back home and Sebastian said Tsukihiko wanted to see me in his study room.

"Come on Lucky! Don't be so lazy all day!" I whistled and carried him.

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