Chapter 41: Crazy

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I was in the room, minding my own business when the door was suddenly kicked open and there stormed in our diva queen.

I raised my head from my phone and pulled down my headphones and hung them around my neck. Vanessa looked furious. There's no need the FBI to figure this one out.

"What?" I frowned.

"He doesn't want me!" She screamed.

"Why?" I asked sarcastically.

"Because he has you!" She suddenly dashed towards me like a maniac but I quickly got up so she hit herself on the sofa.

"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow.

"He said he would rather married to you than me!" She came and lashed out at me again, but I was too bewildered to even react in time before she pushed me and I fell down on the ground.

Wait What?! Why would he say that?! Why do I have to get drag into this?! This is none of your business from the start!

"You seduced him, didn't you?! No wonder he takes such a liking to you! You ruin his wife and make her fall for your death trap! You always ruin everything!" She screamed at me as she grabbed my collar.

"What are you talking about? He just lost his wife and child a few days ago and now you're forcing him into an arranged marriage? Don't make me laugh." I scoffed.

"You BITCH!"

Just as she raised her hand, ready to slap me, someone burst into the room and grabbed her hand before it hits me.

"Ouch! Why you- Tsu-Tsukihiko?!" Her eyes were full of horror as she stared at him.

"Get out and don't let me see you again." He snarled.


"Tell him that's why I don't want to marry his psycho daughter." Tsukihiko ordered his men.

"As you wish, master." They bowed and left the room, leaving us alone, just the two of us.

"I thought you know how to defend yourself?" He turned around and snapped.

"I'm used to it anyway." I shrugged.

"Shut it! I never want to hear those words coming out from your mouth! How can you be so stupid?! If someone harms you, you make them pay ten times worse than they did!" He scowled.

"Why do you care anyway? I'm used to being beaten and bullied around." I shrugged.

I don't care. I don't give a shit. It's just wasting my energy on such petty matter.

"You- I gave up." He sighed and puts his hands in his pocket and looked away.

"I have been through worse than a slap, you don't have to get so worked up about it." I eyed at him.

"You still don't get." He sighed.

"Well, that's not my problem so let's go."

A butler opened the door for him and he walked out, with me quietly following behind him. Then I felt it...

"Um Tsukihiko, I need to use the bathroom." I shyly tugged the hem of his shirt.


And I did, with him staring behind me as I slowly disappeared from his sight.

That day, I learnt my lesson. Never eat whatever that damn house offered you!


Oh. My. God.

Why does my life have to be full of drama?! Why do I have to meet this type of human being without any common sense?! Hey, you got rejected in marriage, was it my fault?!

Vanessa won't stop lashing out on me which was so fucking annoying. I came out from the bathroom and only to get my hair pulled back and received a damn hard slap. She kept on screaming like a crazy maniac, saying I'm a slut that ruins her life and about causing Tsukihiko to reject her and me seducing him. Basically, she kept screaming it's my fault. I don't get it, girls are really blind when it comes to hawt guys, even if he's older or cruel or married...

Why do girls always have to be love-struck fools?

I kicked her off me and punched her face. I quickly run away, I don't want to cause any problems, especially in someone else's house.

"Miki, what took- What the hell happened to your face?!"

Tsukihiko grabbed my wrist and was shocked as his eyes widened, seeing my bruised face.

"Who hit you like this?!" He caressed my cheek and I hissed in pain.

Fuck disguising as a human, I can't heal!

"Miki, don't you dare escape from me?! You hit-"

She came running towards me again, screaming like a psycho. I immediately turned and kicked her from the side and she fell towards the ground.

"Not bad, princess. You could have done better." Tsukihiko smirked.

"Ouch..." She groaned.

"Come on, we need to go to the kitchen to get an ice pack." Tsukihiko grabbed my hand and pulled me alongside with him.

"Miki! Don't think this is the last of me! I'll make sure you'll regret the day you were born...."

I don't even want to listen anymore. As l said, I couldn't care less.

I looked down at my hand, seeing it locked with Tsukihiko's one, I blushed. What's wrong with me?! Why does my heart feel like this?!

His hand is nice. Although it's cold, it felt nice and warm. I know, it's weird, but I like him holding my hand.

What's fucking wrong with me?!


"Here, and don't make me see you get bullied again." He handed me an ice packet.

"I don't need your care. I can take care of myself, I'm not a kid." I place it on my bruised cheek.

"Really? When did I hear that line before?" He said sarcastically.

"Hey!" I snapped.

"Should I teach you some manners?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Thanks for everything." I mumbled while lowering my head.

"What's that? I can't hear you. Please speak up and maintain eye contact every time you speak, it's called manners." He smirked, mocking me.


"I said, you are a Jerk!" I looked into his eyes and yelled.

"Now don't give me that tone. I can add a few bruises onto your cheeks if I please."


"Tch, you should buy thousands of mirror to reflect yourself."

"Really? You want to start this with me right now?" He smirked.

"Fine! I want to snoop around." I walked around the large kitchen.

"Remind me next time, never to bring you to my house." He rolled his eyes.

"Pfft, I don't need your invitation, I just need to stalk you." I wriggled my eyebrows.

"Please don't make me add you to my list of stalkers." He frowned.

"Oh don't worry, I already add you in my revenge list." A sinister smirk plastered on my face.

"I already outsmart you." He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but you didn't outsmart me in pranks."

"You want to bet princess? I can assure you, I'm not easy to fall for one of your tricks." He smirked.

"Can't wait for April Fools." I winked.

My Boss Is A 1000Years Old Demon Lord|| Muzan X Mitsuki|| Kimetsu No YaibaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora